Sunday, May 29, 2016

Attention, Graduates Old and New- A Commencement Speech for the Ages by Pastor D.K. Snell

Snell on “The Components of Being Called” 

Debleaire Snell
From left to right (or bottom to top). Jadon, Gianna, and Debleaire Snell. as depicted on the website of the church that Debleaire pastors in Huntsville, Alabama.

The May 28 Sabbath worship service at Berean Seventh-day Adventist church, Atlanta, was dedicated to the graduates of the Greater Atlanta Adventist Academy (GAAA for short). Here, as usual, is a link to the ENTIRE SERVICE. The sermon begins at time marker 1:17:57, and concludes, after a brief song, with an altar call at time marker 2:17:00. Pastor Debleaire Snell‘s remarks to the Class of 2016 were based on the experiences of Abraham as he transitioned from Ur to Canaan. God had called the patriarch. God has a call for all of us. It is important that we respond to this call, be we newly matriculated, or just seeking renewed purpose and a better direction in our lives.

Pastor Snell received his “calling” as a freshman at Oakwood University, an institution where many are called to ministry, and all are seemingly called to serve God in some manner. The Oakwood website currently displays the statement “God First,” a very streamlined motto. I think it used to be “Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve.” Oakwood President Leslie Pollard visited Berean back on 10/24/2015, at which time he noted that “excellence is the norm, and not the exception at Oakwood.” He also said that “Oakwood is a launching pad, and you can get to anyplace from Oakwood.” This last statement may have been a conscious tie-in to a Huntsville, Alabama neighbor of Oakwood, the Marshall Space Flight Center. The 1950 arrival of Wemher von Braun and his posse in Huntsville was the result of the existence of Army ordinance institutions in the area that were founded in 1941, at the beginning of WW II. These facilities came to be known, collectively, as the Redstone Arsenal. One of the early functions of one of these establishments was the production of chemical weapons.

chemical weapons storage facility
This mysterious image from Google Earth is of a location just south of Lexington, Ky. There sure  are a lot of roads leading to just one spot. It is associated with the Bluegrass Army Depot, a chemical weapons facility.
Pastor Debleaire Snell is currently leader of a church that is (like Oakwood, and like the arsenal) located in Huntsville. It is the First Seventh-day Adventist Church, and students from the university, looking for an alternative to Carlton P. Byrd, can wander across town and listen to Pastor Snell. By a strange coincidence, he was previously pastor for four years at Lima Drive SDA Church in Lexington, Kentucky. The historic link between these two regions is chemical weapons. Just outside Lexington lies the Bluegrass Army Depot, founded, like Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, in 1941.

Products fashioned in Huntsville wound up in Lexington, just like Pastor Snell did. But the pastor is now safely back in the environs of his first collegiate alma mater. His Masters Degree in Divinity was obtained from Andrews University, a credential that he has in common with last Sabbath’s sermonizer, Berean Associate Pastor Danielle Pilgrim. Pastor Snell has come in for both praise and censure as a result of his decision to hold worship services on Sundays, in addition to Sabbaths. This precipitated another denominational brushfire when it was first announced [my opinion, which counts for nothing, is that services should be offered every day, “lesser lights” that could rotate around the Sabbath, which is appointed by God to constitute the center of the worship galaxy].


The preceding verse, Matthew 22:14, has little to do with this Sabbath’s sermon, except in regard to the several instances where the speaker admonished his listeners not to be allow themselves to be deflected from the course that God has planned out for everyone, our “calling.” There are many instances in Scripture of God calling ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Moses is one example. Gideon is another. After a few false starts, Samuel enthusiastically responded to his call. But the call that started it all was the one God issued to Abram. The first stages of his foray into Canaan served as an allegory for the “commencement” of life’s vocational journey by the graduates of GAAA, and, by extension, to any graduate, anytime, anywhere. The theme of Pastor Snell’s sermon was universal, and should prove to be recyclable until the Second Advent.

Must rest!
“God Calls Abraham,” a mid-17th century print by Wenceslas Hollar, like a comic book from the 1600’s. This image is recycled from a previous post. I like it!
In his opening lines, Pastor Debleaire Snell assumed the demeanor of an educator addressing his students: “You’ve got my permission, and my cooperation, for lifting up the name of Jesus.” After a few more instructions, he proclaimed, “Let the name of the Lord be praised today!”

Obligatory praise and thanks to his gracious hosts was offered, starting at the apex of the pyramid with GAAA Principal Johnny Holiday, descending the flanks to include the dedicated staff, and coming to rest at the base of the edifice, the “illustrious Class of 2016.” Somewhere in this last group, the pastor predicted, there may lurk the person who would cure cancer, or become a great evangelist, or possibly a great writer. A reference to the Janus-like nature of graduation was provided: “The journey is not over. It is just beginning!” [A prior sermonizer at Berean referred to the inscription over the entry of the National Archive building, “The Past is Prologue,” and interpreted it as meaning “You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet!”]

Some general autobiographical notes were provided. The speaker remarked that he had now been married 12 years, 6 months, 26 days…etc. He even cited the number of seconds. He met his wife at Oakwood, the former Gianna E. Norman. South Atlantic Conference President William L. Winston was thanked. Winston was in attendance, as was the conference Vice-President of Education (and Berean Associate Pastor) James Lamb.

James Lamb PhD
South Atlantic Conference Vice President for Education Dr, James Lamb, emphasizes his appreciation for all those who have contributed financially to the effort that it took to matriculate the GAAA Class of 2016.
Scripture was read, the parts of Genesis 11 and 12 that were germane to the “commencement” of Abram’s transition from Ur to Canaan. 11:31 escribes the removal of Abram’s father, Terah, from Ur to the land of Haran. Genesis 12:1-3 describes the “calling” of Abram. Abram eventually gets his name changed in Genesis 17:5.

Pastor Snell noted the decisions that were confronting the graduating class: “What will be your major? What will be your career field?” He warned the graduates that it was not what they would “do,” but what they would “be” that was important. “You got to be called,” he revealed. He who soon was destined be rechristened Abraham was called by God (Paul’s famous statements concerning the faith of Abraham, found in Hebrews 11:8, had been read to the congregation prior to the sermon). “Without evidence, without seeing,” he departed to go unto the land of Canaan. Pastor Snell revealed the title of his presentation, “The Components of Being Called.”

“Class of 2016, the one thing I want you to walk away with today is that your life matters.” We are all fashioned in such a manner, that when we align our wills with God’s will, we are fulfilling the “purpose of existence.” All of our moral compass is a product of our sense of self-worth. We were urged to be worthy. The speaker gave the college-bound some good advice: “Don’t buy spirits, because His Spirit lives in you.” Another word of caution was provided: “It is more important to be sealed than tattooed. You have been created in the very image of God.” The body is a temple that ought not be desecrated.

The commentary on “self-worth” was continued. “The truth is, that in the free market, something is worth whatever somebody is willing to pay for it.” We have all been assessed by others in material and societal terms, in terms of possessions and lineage. But this value, however high it might be, is nevertheless a fixed one. These temporal, terrestrial assessments fail to reflect a higher truth, for we all have an outstanding debt that we cannot pay. Pastor Snell stated it clearly. “Because my worth was established at the Cross, I’ve got value. I’m a son of the most high God!”

Cousin Minnie Pearl
A Pearl of great price, Cousin Minne. The hat was probably pretty cheap, though. The dangling price tag is what is relevant to our sermon at this point.
An illustrative anecdote was provided, from the days of the speaker’s errant youth. Pastor Snell recalled the time before bar codes were ubiquitous. A dishonest person who removed a price tag from an inexpensive item, and then transferred  it to a more expensive item, could realize a substantial savings. The pastor admitted that he had done this a time or two. Once, at a flea market, he implemented this technique to try to drop the price on an object that he particularly coveted. When he placed it before the person to whom he would have pay, the seller remarked that the price was incorrect. The pastor asked him how he could know this for sure. The seller replied the following: “Because I made it with my own two hands. I know what it is worth!” Pastor Snell explained his parable. “You God’s workmanship,” he revealed. “He knows your value!”

The residency of Abraham and his father in Haran, an intermediary step on the journey to Canaan, was subjected to scrutiny by the speaker. It introduced the topic of the first of three described “components” that attend the proper  determination of one’s calling.


The relocation of Abraham’s people to Canaan was originally the responsibility of his father, the patriarch Terah. But “daddy” has been stopped partway there. God calls his son to go further. “The goal of parents is to see the next generation to get a little further in life than they have.” Sometimes, the forward momentum of a life is stalled by the process of having to work in order to support and advance the chances of the offspring. Students owe it to their parents that they exert themselves in order to take these further steps. A kind of genealogy of forward momentum was provided by Pastor Snell. High School graduates beget college graduates. College graduates beget Masters candidates. Masters candidates beget Doctors, etcetera. God is able to easily orchestrate these generational advances. We should aim to build upon the foundations laid by our progenitors, and (the speaker admitted that he was a Trekkie) “Boldly go where no one has gone before.” He spoke encouraging words to the graduates, and to the rest of the overflow crowd: “You are going to prosper where others have failed, because you have an anointing. You are called!”

Star Trek (duh!)
“Space: the final frontier.
These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilisations; to boldly go where no man has gone before.”
In Haran, everyone is nice and friendly [here is a link to “Pleasant Valley Sunday” as rendered by the Monkees, but as written by Gerry Goffin and Carol King]. They manage to catch some of the breeze that blows in from Canaan. Pastor Snell stated that Abraham’s entourage no doubt considered it “good enough.” Some of the qualities of Haran were described in the imagined words of the sojourners:
  • “We were on our way to Canaan, BUT: We are already getting out mail in Haran!”
  • “We were on our way to Canaan, BUT: There is a nice YMCA in Haran!”
  • “We were on our way to Canaan, BUT: We are now a part of the Haran Chamber of Commerce!”
The pastor drew a lesson from the presumed attitude of complacency that beset the stalled travelers. He warned the future collegians that they had to be careful about making any dangerous digressions from their intended trajectories. They should not flirt with the notion of taking a semester off, expecting to pick up where they left off at some future date. They should be careful about accepting any job which would demand attention that would be more appropriately directed toward schoolwork. And, perhaps most significantly, they should not prematurely plunge into a permanent relationship with the opposite sex. The concept was generalized for the non-students in attendance, as the pastor similarly warned folk not to consider “taking a break” from church attendance. The warnings were summed up by this statement from Pastor Snell: “Be careful where you take your breaks.”

“The devil will deceive you into believing that you will be OK where you are presently comfortable,” the pastor remarked. Another illustrative anecdote was provide at this point, but not an autobiographical one. It concerned the storage and transport of live codfish (and reminded me of another ancient anecdote about the storage of sea creatures, which will be painfully recalled at the appropriate time).

Newfoundlanf Cod Fishery
A  engraving of Cod processors at work in Canada in 1738. Cod was like money in the bank in an era when fish was the only high grade protein Catholics could consume during Lent. Tofu was not available in 1738.
Live codfish used to be shipped from Alaska, in containers of water. The passage to the lower 48 is a long one. The fish just relaxed during the voyage, oblivious to their future as part of a plate of fish and chips. When they, at long last, reached their intended destinations, they were terribly flabby, and totally out of shape. Their normally firm muscle tone was lost, due to inactivity. But some genius got the idea of putting a catfish in the shipping containers with them. Codfish and catfish do not get along very well. The activity that was the result of the animosity between the species, and their enforced proximity, ensured that the cod got plenty of exercise during the course of their journey south. They all now arrived in fit condition, their flesh firm and toothsome. The catfish proved to be the perfect irritant for the normally placid cod. Pastor Snell extracted a lesson for the graduates, as well as for the laymen, from this story. Lethargy and self-satisfaction can lead to paralysis, so we all, on occasion,  stand in need of a “catfish” to spur us into action. The pastor provided a litany of these occasions:
  • “Sometimes our teachers can act like catfish in our lives.”
  • “Sometimes our parents can act like catfish in our lives.”
  • “Sometimes our future roommates can act like catfish in our lives.”
  • “Sometimes the people in our church can act like catfish in our lives.”
  • “Sometimes the people at work can act like catfish in our lives.”
  • “Sometimes our kids can act like catfish in our lives.”
  • “You might be married to a catfish!”
This last citation proved to be highly amusing (and no doubt, extremely accurate as well) to the married listeners in attendance. The lessons from the anecdote were summed up, as the pastor proclaimed, “You need an irritant to keep you motivated.” The second of the three “components” attending the disclosure of your calling is was now unveiled.

Delta Ailines Barf Bag
The reason for this image will soon be apparent to you!

What the crew that attended Abraham found so intimidating about going forward to possess the land of Canaan was the fact that you had to FIGHT for it. “You have to fight to get in, and you have to fight to stay in,” Pastor Snell revealed. “If you want to live a called life, you have to be prepared to face some resistance.” When we are in the process of trying to determine God’s will, we will sometimes choose the easy path [Here is a LINK to Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken,” which they made our class memorize in the eighth grade]. The pastor prepared the soil for the introduction of yet another illustrative anecdote with the following declaration: “It may not be the most comfortable place to be, but the BEST place to be is in the will of God.”

Pastor Snell spoke idiomatically for a moment, which served to underscore the homespun wisdom (a la Will Rogers) of his remark: “I ain’t never seen a plane turn around in midflight due to turbulence!” On a recent flight the pastor took, the flight attendant announced that they would soon be experiencing some turbulence. The pastor asked the attendant about how they could possibly know about the impending turbulence. The attendant replied that the only way to know was by finding out from planes ahead of them, ones that had already been through the turbulence. The lead plane would then advise the following planes to either go OVER it, or AROUND it, or THROUGH it. The preacher applied the concept of this anecdote to the Cross: “God has sent His Son to go through the turbulence.” It may not be the easiest thing in the world to do, but if Jesus could endure His measure of turbulence, then we, too, can safely make our way beyond whatever pockets of turbulence we may encounter in the course of our lives.

The shortcomings and inadequacies of Abraham were briefly alluded to, and would soon be revisited. This mention of his failures paved the way for a statement, by the pastor, of what constituted Abraham’s greatest strength (and what I will safely assume to represent “component” number three, one that must be present during the process of discovering your calling). It was what Paul revealed in Hebrews concerning the character of Abraham. It was a manifestation of his unquestioning “faith."

He loved animals...
Arthur Schopenhauer brought the importance of the will (universal and individual, although he considered the latter an aspect of the former) to the front burner of the stove of Western philosophy, for better or worse.

“We often make excuses for ourselves based on the idea that we do not possess adequate financial resources to seek advancement, or we blame our lack of progress on inadequate support by our families” (an extreme paraphrase of Pastor Snell’s remarks). “But the big problem is that we are just not WILLING!” God does not call you based of your sufficiency, or your strength. He rather identifies our weaknesses, and uses these to further His purposes. First Corinthians 1:26+  was referenced:

“Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” (NIV)

The pastor stated the reason for this by quoting verse 29 from the KJV: “That no flesh should glory in his presence” [There exists several other verses in the Bible that express the same sentiment]. “Those that we would call [based on societal criteria, several superficial instances of which were provided by the speaker] are not the ones that God would choose to call.” More idiomatic language from Pastor Snell: “God don’t care about any of that junk! He is just looking for someone He can use!” Several Bible heroes who overcame handicaps in order excel were noted, a subject that had been briefly touched upon in the introduction to this section of the sermon. The homicide by Moses is familiar to all. So is the infidelity, and fatal consequences that resulted from this infidelity, of David. Rahab [the subject of an whole sermon by at Berean by guest speaker Pastor Edward Woods III, and stored at his LINK] is invariably subtitled “the harlot,” yet she advanced the Hebrew’s cause at Jericho. and was also an ancestor of Jesus.

Charles Dicken's nom de plume
Illusionist David Copperfield has made more profit off of “magic” than any other person, according to Forbes. Charles Dickens furnished a name for the band “Uriah Heep” as well, not to mention “Scrooge McDuck.”
Pastor Snell greatly amused his imperfect audience by noting that “Rahab had turned more tricks than David Copperfield.” There was talk of some of the excesses perpetrated by the Zealots, whose enthusiasm provoked the Romans to bring the hammer down on Jerusalem in 70 AD. And last, but not least, Paul, nee Saul, was included in the pantheon of reformed stinkers by the pastor [the oratorical style and anecdotal illustrations of Pastor Snell are very similar to those of Berean Associate Pastor Austin Humphreys, another Oakwood alumnus. In the time-honored manner, the Hammond organ now began to assist the speaker to emphasize some key points]. The pastor vehemently stated the following: “God uses ordinary people. Where God will have you in the end, does not resemble where you are now!” Another anecdote was now related, in order to enhance another important point. It was not about seafood {I am sandbagging my own overly familiar seafood anecdote for later use], but was back on autobiographical turf.

“I struggle cooking grits,” Pastor Snell revealed. “I always overestimate it, because it seems like it will not be enough.” But grits, when they are finished cooking, don’t look anything like they did when they started out. “One day,” he stated, addressing the graduates, “you are going to wind up looking nothing like you do today!”

Pastor Snell quoted Ellen G. White concerning Abraham, a passage that resides on page 126 of “Patriarchs and Prophets.” Here is a LINK to that page.

“In order that God might qualify him for his great work as the keeper of the sacred oracles, Abraham must be separated from the associations of his early life. The influence of kindred and friends would interfere with the training which the Lord purposed to give His servant.”

Ellen Gould White
An 1892 edition of Ellen G. White’s “Patriarchs and Prophets.” Pastor Snell’s reference to this book was like an Adventist “watermark” distinguishing  the sermon.
The pastor observed that Abraham’s advanced concepts concerning God and faith were not shared by the idolatrous denizens of his native land. Pastor Snell spoke wisdom to the youths (as well as geriatric cases like myself) when he made this observation: “God’s calling on your life will not always be obvious to those around you. But when you get a calling, you don’t have to explain it to those around you.” Rather than further your advancement toward your goals, your contemporaries are rather more likely to attempt to retard these goals. This concept would be restated a bit later in the sermon [The following two paragraphs represent a digression from the narrative thread of the pastor’s sermon, but the first (Danielle Pilgrim’s) is great. The second (mine) is hackneyed, trite, and extremely shopworn].

In the course of her May 21 speech (last week’s, the one that YouTube removed, presumably due to a copyrighted song that was played during the service) to the graduates od GAAA’s sister school, BCJA (Berean Christian Junior Academy) Pastor Danielle Pilgrim provided her own anecdote about not allowing oneself to be unequally yoked to old associates, and surrounded by bad influences. Her story, which was road tested at a previous Wednesday night prayer meeting (aka the “War Room”) employed Facebook as a metaphor for our proper relationship with God. She had ventured to honor a “friend request’ that she had received (as a pastor, she wryly noted, she had no option but to accept). The computer revealed that the persons “friend limit” had been reached. Pastor Pilgrim explained that, in order for there to be room enough for her to be friends will the person who made the request, the latter would have to “unfriend” someone else. She then drew an analogy to the process of letting God into our lives. In order to make room for God, it will often be necessary or you to “unfriend” some others {This summary will hopefully get replicated, should Sony Corporation ever choose to stop holding the 5/21/2016 Berean Sabbath service video hostage, and should this release also reflect God’s will].

An enigmatic “friend request” to myself. I will, of course, accept it. This image is recycled from the post about Pastor Pilgrim’s “road test” of her Facebook metaphor.
Here is my ancient anecdote about the bad influences of peers and compatriots upon one who seeks a more spacious life. Half a dozen sermons I have heard have incorporated it: If you are crabbing, and have managed to accumulate a bucketful of live crabs, you would be surprised to discover that it is not necessary to place a lid upon the bucket. Should any crab prove intrepid enough to seek to escape the bucket by climbing up its sides, it will never reach the top of the container. Before the enterprising crab ever gets close to freedom, the rest of the crabs will grab hold of it with their claws, and drag it back down to the bottom of the bucket! This may or may not be true, but it makes a great story. It is so great, no one can resist using, despite the fact that it has suffered from irredeemable overexposure.

The independent actions required by individuals seeking their calling was related to the self-sufficiency and power of God. The pastor noted that God did not require consultants in order to make His plans [this statement could serve as a summary for the last chapter of the Book of Job]. “When God calls,” Pastor Snell advised, “don’t run around to your associate to see what their opinion is. There are too many opinions! What we need to do is ‘be still,’ and know the will of God” [here is a LINK to a summary of a short Wednesday night sermon Pastor Russell delivered about six months ago on determining whether a proposed course of action truly reflects the will of God; hint- it has to feel right].

The subject of forsaking “old playgrounds, and old playmates” (a phrase from the 12-step universe, which I have thankfully never heard spoken at Berean) continued as the focus of this part of the sermon. A final anecdote was provided. Like Pastor Pilgrim’s Facebook analogy, it was relatively modern in its particulars, “high-tech” even.

Crabs in a Bucket
The results of a brief internet research project concerning the “bucket of crabs” story reveals that every person on the planet has already heard it. I vow to never mention the subject again. Unclean! Unclean!
The pastor owned an iPhone. He had been scrupulously deleting older messages, in order to make room in the phone’s memory for new ones. Despite this, however, the memory got filled, and new messages could not be accepted [this story has several points in common with Pastor Pilgrim’s “Facebook” story]. The technician that assisted the pastor with his dilemma revealed that, even though his old messages may have been deleted, they were not yet destroyed. They were just buried a little deeper in the phone’s memory. In order to rectify this situation, a drastic purge of the memory was required, what the tech designated as a “hard reset.” This tale set the stage for the speakers next remark: “Some of us need to do a hard reset, to get rid of all the ideologies, all of the opinions that are clogging you.” He then said something that would have been well served by the jaded crab anecdote. “You will learn the hard way that most people will not endorse a vision that puts you higher than where they are.

Pastor Snell recalled some personal situations where he felt more than justified in acting contrary to the opinions of others, specifically citing “church committee” business meetings. “When I get a word from God, I do not seek approval. I just say, ‘this is where God has me!'” Some examples of groups who might present some opposition were provided, including people you go to school with, relatives, etc. He noted that many would even be discouraged from answering an appeal, fearful of what others may think were they to do so. This kind of misplaced concern could even serve to dampen the intensity level of one’s praise. “Who cares what those around us think. Just say ‘this is where God has me!'” A few additional assertions of this nature, with the assistance of bursts fron the organ, served to highlight the importance of serving the perfect will of God, as opposed to the highly imperfect will of man. The high energy level of the sermon was temporarily curtailed with the statement, “Let the church say hallelujah!”

starchild from 2001

Pastor Snell sought to assure the new graduates that God had a plan for them all laid out. He quoted from Jeremiah 1:4: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…” He told the youth that the purposes of their lives have been ordained. “I want you to know, you have significance, You have value. Value to God.” We have been created in the image of God. “Boys,” the speaker stated, “need someone to pat them on the back.” A man, in contrast, will proclaim, “I don’t mind if I stand alone.”

Final instructions to the troops were issued. They should all learn to just sit still, and wait on the Lord. If need be, they may need to undergo a “hard reset,” one that will purge them of improper expectations. In a secret place, we should make the inquiry, “Lord, what would you have me to do?” We should be prepared to act upon the answer wherever, whatever, whenever. The pastor made a prediction. “You will not find fulfillment outside of your calling.” Money, yes, perhaps, Fulfillment? No! The pastor revealed that a song was about to be sung, and requested that we should meditate upon the words contained in it. An appeal would follow the song, but the final injunctions of the sermon were delivered just before the start of the song.

“A calling is not just for pastors. It is for everyone who has been created by God.”

Dr. James Lamb
Dr. Lamb’s closing speech at the Sunday GAAA Graduation Ceremony was 8 words long: “Keep your hand in God’s hand. Thank you!” Here is the EVENT.
The song? It begins at time marker 2:11:37 on the linked video. Here is a duplicate LINK to the video, one that shall save much scrolling around. The song was “Pass Me Not,” aka “Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior,” aka “Do Not Pass Me By.” The lyrics are by passionate and prolific Fanny Crosby. Here is the chorus:

Pass me not, O gentle Savior,
Hear my humble cry;
While on others Thou art calling,
Do not pass me by.

The reference to “calling” made this song an appropriate selection.

Here is a LINK to a uniquely pepped-up rendition by the Bowie State University Gospel Choir in Bowie, Maryland.

Here is a LINK to an inoffensive (way too inoffensive!) version by the Joslin Grove Choral Society (I think).

Douglas Miller: almost famous!
Douglas Miller in the very early eighties. He sounds a little like Barry White. Everyone wore crazy glasses like these back then, even Former Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church Pastor Dr. Harold Lovell Cleveland!
Here is a very special LINK to a site that features five “African American” versions of the song. Example #1 is by Decatur Georgia’s own Pastor Dewy Smith. It serves to highlight the deficiencies of the “inoffensive version” (I can critique them; I just can’t sing them). Example #2 is from a dramatic “Lifetime Channel” biopic, starring the actual subject of the bio. It is “The Fantasia Barrino Story,” and is a scene that could easily be titled “The Return of the Prodigal.” It is a Hollywood version of Gospel, but not too compromised thereby. Example #3 is from 1982, and is super-funky! It is by Minister Douglas Miller. Fanny Crosby might have had some trouble discerning her creation beneath the embellishments of this production. The example is attended a long print biography of Miller. This SUBLINK is of historical interest, It features the same arrangement, directed by the Minister, 29 years later. What is missing is the lead vocals. They are sorely missed. Example #4 is a performance by the Bowie, Maryland crew that also populates the first link in this series. Example #5 is by MC Hammer. Here is a cowardly endorsement of version #5 by the author. It is a citation of First Corinthians 9:22, and serves as a mild rebuke to the hyper-exclusionary crowd:

“To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some,”

Lengthen the services, too!
A look into the future, should the Lord delay his return. It is Andy Stanley’s Buckhead Church. Change the day of worship to Saturday, insert 28 Beliefs, and behold- Adventism for the 22nd Century, the USA edition.
The following is a 5/30/2106 addenda to this post.

The Christian content of Pastor Snell’s remarks is solid, and ecumenical by nature. This is what makes the presentation so “portable.” A brief citation of Ellen G. White’s book “Patriarchs and Prophets” is the only clue that it is by a preacher who represents the Adventist denomination. A Monday morning assignment served to remind me of what others have referred to as the “theological consistency” of Adventism. In an attempt to answer a question concerning a few lines of another Ellen White book, “The Great Controversy,” I inadvertently fashioned (reproduced, would be a more accurate term, as it represents no novel thought) a few sentences that  not only capture the essence of the book, but also exhibit an edifying explanation of why there is evil in this world, and why a loving God would allow it. Adventists consider this to be a temporary state of affairs. God is giving men and angels, who are endowed with freewill, a chance to witness the regrettable (but not irreparable) consequences of allowing Satan to have temporary dominion over the earth. In Eternity, the question will never arise, “What if?” There will exist an indelible record of what can go wrong when we stray fron the path that God has so clearly marked for us through His Word, and by His Spirit, Christ has acted as trailblazer upon this path. This doctrine  is one of a handful that serves to distinguish the Adventist denomination from most others, and is described in “Fundamental Belief #8” of the 28 Fundamental Beliefs.
Adventist 28 Fundamental Beliefs
Here is a link that is worth exploring. It places all of the cards on the table, face up!   28 Fundamental Beliefs
Many (but perhaps not most) are aware of some of the salient features of the faith (worship on the Sabbath, modesty of dress, healthy lifestyle and diet, abstaining from alcohol and tobacco, and even meat if you are committed enough), but these are outward manifestations of the attempts to be good commandment keepers. Explanations of the church to those who are unfamiliar with it should begin not with a superficial description of the effects, but rather of causes. Christians of every  stripe are already familiar with 99% of the Adventist viewpoint, as it is primarily the same as their own. One assumes that they already accept the fact that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. The “great controversy” theme is distinctive, and serves as a good entry point for those who are searching for answers as to why the world is in such a mess. Eschatological (end times) issues are also a focus of the faith, but it is no longer unique in placing heavy emphasis upon this issue. The Adventists way of approaching Biblical prophecy, however, is not sensationalist (as are many of the competing approaches), but rather scholarly, and balanced, and Scriptural. If it comes across as “alarmist,” this is only because the Bible itself is “alarmist.”

Adventist South Atlantic Conference President William Winston delivered a sermon at Berean SDA Church that admonished Adventists to try to let go of their narrow obsessions long enough to talk about Jesus to others. This is the core value, one that Adventism claims no monopoly upon. Elder Winston was hoping to create new Christians. My current appeal is to those who, as was I, are already Christians, but feel as if something may be missing from their walk with the Lord. That’s how I felt. Whatever may have been missing, I was blessed enough to discover that the Seventh-day Adventists kept an abundant supply of in stock, and it was free to whomever might require it.

He hates me! I know it!
Elder William Winston is a Christan. To quote Keats, “That’s all I know, and all I need to know.”
Many of the particulars of the denomination are attractive enough in themselves. Want to live a long and healthy life? Then become an Adventist! Want to “walk the walk,” and not merely “talk the talk?’ Then Adventism may be right up your alley! Want to “fellowship” (industry parlance for “make friends with”) people who love God, but are not very big fans of this fallen world? Adventism consists of a plurality of this type of person, although levels of commitment vary widely. These are all wonderful aspirations. But what attracted me, personally, was the potential to find answers to the “big questions,” which few seem able or willing to provide. Many (including a few Adventists) don’t even seem to care about these “big questions.” Health is good. Charitable work is good. Friendship is good. But illumination is great, and especially welcome by one who has been stumbling around in the dark for the longest time, breaking his toes on the furniture. Here is the segment of the homework assignment that inspired me to “Adventize” this post, and engage in a little “amateur” (everything I do is “amateur”) evangelism:

Satan is not particularly kind to those that he exercises dominion over. It is rejection of God that results in subservience to the Devil. Ellen White makes a statement with profound theological consequences. It might be restated as follows: “Difficulties in life, be they experienced at either the national or individual level, are not the result of active punishment by God for our transgressions. They represent, rather, the removal by God of the protection from evil that He consistently provides to those (be they nations or individuals) that are not living in His will. Without God’s protection, we are open to the adversary. Difficulty is not caused by God, but by ourselves when we reject God, and by Satan, who stands ever ready (until the return of Christ) to fill the power vacuum that results when God absents Himself from our life. This seems to be the essence of the “great controversy” theme, which serves to answer criticism (and there is plenty of it) that questions the purity of God, and His motives, and His methods. Needless to say, this principle assuredly applies to our own time. We collectively, and individually, must exert ourselves to render honor and obedience to He who, alone, can (in the words of “Come, O You Faithful”) “save us all from Satan’s power…”

Birthplace of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

We GatherTogether

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Shall We Gather at the River

Eighty Second Angels (Secular, not Sacred!)

Doctor Tracey Wallace delivers a short sermon about prayer, replete with medical allusions!

Elder/Doctor Wallace- “I Need Some Medicine!”

Dr. Tracey Wallace, Atlanta
Dr. Tracey Wallace appears to be scrutinizing the ChurchPond play button, which unavoidably pops up every time you pause. From a 9/26/2015 sermon at West End SDA Church, available through this LINK.
Cort, Armstrong, Taylor, Noisette. Findley, McCurdy, and now, preaching in the intimate venue of the “War Room,” Wallace. He was, as stated above, the seventh elder to speak in the projected set of ten. He represented the third “Doctor/Elder” to have spoken. His wife Debbie is a doctor, too, making them Dr. & Dr, Wallace. The President of Oakwood University and his wife are also both doctors, Dr. & Dr. Pollard. Berean has several Doctor/Elders, of both the medical and PhD variety.
Elder Tracey Wallace is no neophyte when it comes to public speaking, He delivered a well-received sermon at Berean SDA Church one Sabbath last November. The post on this contained nothing but a brief introduction, and some shameless self promotion by myself. It was the stone age of my brief history of reportage, and did not even link the YouTube video. That neglect will now be remedied. Here is a link to the ENTIRE SERVICE. The medical allusions and metaphors are flying  left and right in the course of the sermon, which begins around time marker 1:53:30. The sermon ends with a “standing O” at time marker 2:35:51. The Doctor had preached for over forty minutes, without a single misstep.
The fifteen minute presentation he delivered as part of the 5/25/2016 “War Room” prayer meeting at Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church was a trice by comparison. The narrowed focus of this circumscribed talk was “prayer.” The doctor (henceforth to be designated “the elder”) continued his tradition of bringing a medically tinged perspective to his remarks. There was also some accomplished composition on display. Many instances of Anaphora were incorporated into the structure of the sermon (a fancy term for “repetition with variations,” and a recent obsession of mine, as it seems that 8 out of 10 preachers are big fans of it). The repetitive sequences will not replicated verbatim, as they flew by too swiftly to be properly captured. An introduction of the elder by Berean Lead Pastor Fredrick Russell noted that he is co-director, with his wife Dr. Debbie Wallace, of True Health TV. Here is a LINK to short extract from a much longer post that describes how Dr. Tracey eventually came to share his wife Dr. Debbie’s vision (or, more properly, God’s providence) during the creation of this television station. I described the whole improbable history of the genesis of this enterprise as a “Remarkable Affair.”
Champions of Health Gala and Concert
An extreme crop from a photo in a True Health TV gallery that was taken during the 2016 “Champions of Health Gala,” which raised funds for a free heath clinic in Atlanta. The whole gallery is available at this LINK.
Here is some recycled data from the six month old Dr. Wallace post:
“Dr. Wallace attended Loma Linda University. He is an enthusiastic evangelist for the Adventist Health Message, first revealed in 1863. He described it as being 150 years ahead of it’s time. It was concurrent with now obsolete medical practices such as ‘bleeding, purging, and poisoning.’ Dr. Wallace touted the accuracy and wisdom of Scriptural prescriptions for healthy living, with an emphasis on dietary law.

He remarked upon Ellen White’s prescient recognition of the bad influences tobacco and meat has upon the constitution. He referenced the BLUE ZONE phenomena in regard to the Adventist lifestyle and it’s beneficial contributions to longevity. Dr. Wallace’s oratory was well crafted.”
The Wednesday night oratory was also well crafted. The linked sermon (the link is in the caption of the first image on this page) at West End was also nice, and may have represented a practice run for the Sabbath sermon he was to deliver at Berean SDA a month or so later. Dr. Wallace is a physician, a Christian, and unmistakably, an Adventist as well.
Ted N.C, Wilson Atlanta visit
Dr. Wallace’s wife, Dr. Wallace, probes the mind of Ted N.C. Wilson. The GC President admitted that it is, indeed, a desirable thing, living a healthy lifestyle.
Pastor Russell encouraged all prayer warriors to “Put your hands together for the man of God…”
Elder Tracey Wallace launched right into was was the oratorical equivalent of a Nantucket sleighride. The key Scripture was from the Living Bible translation. It was Colossians 4:2. Here is the hard to access (if you don’t own a hard copy) Living Bible version:
“Don’t be weary in prayer; keep at it; watch for God’s answers, and remember to be thankful when they come.”
(Here is a  LINK to the Wikipedia article on Kenneth N. Taylor’s 1971 “Living Bible,” which has been nicknamed by some the “Bathroom Bible.” You will have to discover on your own why this is so).
Elder Wallace revealed the title of his sermonette, “I Need Some Medicine!” He noted that 70% of all Americans take some kind of pill every day. “It seems that no matter what your problem is, there is some kind of pill to fix it. There is a pill to…
  • …raise  your blood sugar, and to lower your blood sugar. There is a pill to…
  • …raise your blood pressure, and to lower your blood pressure. There is a pill to…
  • …cause you to throw up, and a pill to keep you from throwing up. There is a pill too…
  • …make you lose weight, and to make you gain weight. There is a pill to…
  • …rev you up, and to calm you down. There is a pill to…
  • …stimulate the appetite, and to suppress your appetite. There is a pill to…
  • …help you remember, and to help you forget.”

drink me

[All of this has precipitated a short digression. In this link to the Eagle’s depressing song “Hotel California,” the line “Some dance to remember, some dance to forget” is at time marker 2:30. As a way of preface a second, less wholesome musical link, here is a biopsy from “Alices Adventures in Wonderland:” “… if you drink much from a bottle marked `poison,’ it is almost certain to disagree with you, sooner or later.” The second link is, of course, to Grace Slick (now old and respectable) singing “White Rabbit,” a song that Dr. Wallace, a product of the Adventist school system, may have been blessed enough not to have ever been exposed to as a youth. It is very reminiscent, however, of the introductory segment of his sermonette.]

“I want to talk about an alternative medicine. This medicine is prayer. Prayer is good medicine!” The elder mentioned the double-bling experiments that have scientifically verified the efficacy of prayer to heal the sick (here is a link to an ABSTRACT about the health benefits of attending church). “People tend to do better when somebody prays for them. I don’t need a single scientific study to know this,” the elder asserted. Some examples of the power of prayer were provided, a few of which will be roughly reproduced. The subject matter of these examples shifted from the secular, to the scriptural realm. Many sermons also shift seamlessly from the scriptural, to the secular realm, thus underscoring the universality of the Bible message, and its practical application to modern problems. A recent sermon by guest pastor Furman Fordham featured this technique, which might be described as “hip” (in a good way). The speaker stated that:
  • “Prayer can put food on the table.”
  • “Prayer can keep families together.”
  • “Prayer can deliver one man from the belly of a whale.”
  • “Prayer can deliver three men from the fiery furnace.” etc…
shadrach, meshach, and abenego

Elder Wallace attempted to distinguish between “prayer in theory,” and “prayer in practice.” He mentioned that studies show [maybe Barna Group studies] that the average Christian spends zero to four minutes a day in prayer. The speaker compared this degree of brevity to a “Tweet.” People seem to have lost their appreciation for prayer, noted the elder. He quickly asserted that he had not. It was overwhelming, he confided, to realize that he represented merely one out of seven billion individuals on this world. Our galaxy is only one out of a possible billion galaxies. These incomprehensible numbers underscore the smallness of an individual, measured against the immensity of the universe. Yet… the speaker told us, God is able to listen to our prayers, as individuals, and with absolute attention. “What I mighty God I serve! What a privilege it is that, anytime I wish to, I can go directly to Him in prayer” [a paraphrase, but a close one].  “Jesus [through Peter] say, ‘cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you.”

Prayer is not simply just asking God for “things,” the elder noted. This is an insignificant aspect of prayer. It does not even begin to scratch the surface of what prayer can ultimately accomplish. Here is a quote by the speaker that deserves to be highlighted:

“Prayer is not meant for God to do your will, but so that you can do God’s will.”

An old, old theme was briefly raised by Elder Wallace. We have it too soft. Hardship is the crucible of fervent devotion. “Many of use would be better off [in regard to out prayer life] were we persecuted,” the elder vowed. “Prayer takes on earnestness when bills are not paid.” He provided several other examples of adversity [I have heard hour-long sermons on this subject before].

i was in prison, and you visited me

The elder asserted that prayer puts order into our lives. We no longer live randomly. And, although it would be unrealistic to expect God to solve our every problem, we can faithfully expect Him to grant us whatever strength may be required to get through our problems. We should relinquish our willfulness. The speaker observed that the best part od the Lord’s Prayer was the phrase, “Thy will be done” [I know the thoughts that I have for you…]
Some world class spokesmen for atheism seem to come from the scientific and semi-scientific realms. Bertrand Russell had a gigantic brain. He discovered that nothing could be proved mathematically in absolute terms, as everything was derived from initial assumptions that could not be proven. Russell poked holes in all kinds of logical arguments, including Marx’s. The “foolishness of preaching” was beneath his consideration. Russell was despised by many. The gigantic atheistic brain referred to by Elder Wallace for the purposes of his sermon was Stephen Hawking. Hawking is an atheist, like another cosmologist, the late Carl Sagan. Sagan once wrote”My long-time view about Christianity is that it represents an amalgam of two seemingly immiscible [a new one on me] parts, the religion of Jesus and the religion of Paul.” Sagan had a personal definition of what God might be, were He knowable. He knew nothing for sure. This made him an agnostic, instead of an atheist.

neil degrasse tyson
An agnostic, not an atheist, proclaims astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson in the unenlightening YouTube video that is available at this LINK. Over two million viewers have already not been enlightened by it!
Elder Wallace proved that his foolishness was wiser than the wisdom of Hawking. He provided a quote by Hawking for our examination, “For God to exist, He would have to exist outside of time and space.” The elder repeated this quote. What was, for Hawking, a patent impossibility, was, to every Christian, just one more description of an attribute of God [prophecies revealed, and then fulfilled, are a good indication of God’s independence from chronology]. His omnipresence makes hash of the notion of spatial limitations. Elder Wallace cited Revelation 22:13: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” Peter’s poetic phrase in regard to God’s timetable was also alluded to, from Second Peter 3:8: “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” God is not limited by time or space, the speaker assured us. Therefore, “our prayers are not limited by time or space.” Some examples were provided. A trinity of comments of God’s capabilities followed the examples:
  • “He can work in your future.”
  • “He can work in your present.”
  • “He can work in your past.”
“Don’t limit God,” Elder Wallace strongly advised. “God is unlimited!” God is everywhere at once, and always available. There is no reason to not include Him into your life. The speaker did not intend that our relationship be a casual one. The conclusion of his remarks would be dedicated to emphasizing the need for God’s continuous presence in the course of our day-to-day affairs. Elder Wallace noted that people are capable of multi-tasking. He provided a humorous example of what type of thoughts might be running through his mind, concurrent with his present activity of delivering a sermon. “I wonder if anyone is listening?” This might be one thought running in the background of his mind. Another might be, “boy, it sure is hot in here!” {The venue of the “War Room” is perfect in every way, so this allusion slipped right past me (another inside joke).] The speaker passed third base, and was heading fast for home plate. It had proven to be an event-packed fifteen minutes.

War Room Berean SDA Church Atlanta
Vintage HVAC. Maybe it’s collectable!
Approximately six or seven admonitions marked the last leg of the homily. We can multi-task. We can undertake the routine activity of our lives, and simultaneously stay in touch with our Father in heaven.
  • “Our lives would be much greater if we only woke up with prayer.”
  • “Our lives would be much greater if we only travelled to school or work with prayer.”
  • “Our lives would be much greater if we spent our lunch break in prayer.”
  • “Our lives would be much greater if we spent our rides back home in prayer.”
  • “Our lives would be much greater if whenever our backs were against the wall, we would go to the Lord in prayer.”
  • Our lives would be much greater if when we ran out of options, we would take our troubles to God in prayer.”
Now for the last word. “Prayer is good medicine. Wherever life may lead you, remember…”

“Don’t forget to take your medicine!”

TrueHealth TV

Monday, May 23, 2016

YouTube has yanked the 5/21/2016 service for copyright violations! Here is the temporarily aborted post about it.

Pastor Pilgrim: “Knowing is Good Enough!”

Danielle Pilgrim is one groovy chick!
An article in the July 24, 2015 edition of “Spectrum” by Pastor Danielle Pilgrim. 105 people commented on this, including a few nutcases. The net is nutcase friendly!

A sermon at Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church, Atlanta, delivered this Sabbath also served as a Commencement Speech for the graduating class of BCJA, a K-8 component of Berean’s  thoughtful provision for every stage of your lifelong walk with Christ. Pastor Danielle Pilgrim was the presenter of this multitasking oration. She is a very recent graduate herself, having just earned a Master of Divinity degree from Andrews University.
When Berean Pastor Austin Humphreys delivered  THIS SERMON February 10, 2016 in the course of a  Wednesday night “War Room” service, it was soon revealed to be a sort of road test for THIS OTHER SERMON, presented at the “big church,” shortly thereafter. It was expanded to Sabbath sermon dimensions by the addition of what the pastor humorously referred to as more “juicy meat.” Pastor Danielle Pilgrim similarly road-tested portions of this Sabbath’s sermon, perhaps curious to determine how it would play in Peoria. Either through the pastor’s foresight, or by divine providence, the subject matter (introduced by an anecdote relating some comic events associated with her own May 5-7 graduation festivities), proved to be transportable, adaptable, and relevant when expanded to Sabbath proportions. Here is a LINK to the “shake-down-cruise” of this Sabbath’s offering, but it is compromised, due to the insensitive editorial intrusions of the reporter. He has sworn to be more respectful toward the latest creation by Pastor Pilgrim, entitled “Knowing is Good Enough!”
Who cares, David!
The interior of Pioneer Memorial Chapel at Andrews University, the scene of some of Pastor Pilgrim’s graduation events, It has the same construction type as Berean’s 1963 facility, but is not quite as stylish.

Here, usually, is a link to the ENTIRE SERVICE, but it is not working at present, and any attempt to view the video yields this message: “This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.” A quick search reveals that SME is associated with Sony, developers of the compact disc, and the holder of many copyrights. How was the capacity of a CD determined? It was sized to accommodate Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. An amazing performance by the BCJA Elementary Choir preceded Pastor Pilgrim’s remarks. It was not just good for a bunch of kids. It was good, period. You will just have to take my word about this for now. Just in case things get straightened out on the video before I have leisure to revisit the topic of this particular service (a state of affairs that is inevitable), you can prayerfully attempt to get this LINK to work for you. A short sequence of notes that I vainly thought that I had originated 30 years ago forms part of Natalie Raggin’s accompaniment to the operatic piece performed by the kids. Only God can possibly trace the family tree of every creation of man, for they are, at root, creations of God. All rights reserved!
I admit that I am a hack writer. There are two approaches I employ when I am blessed with an opportunity to report on the significant events that happen at Berean Church. The first approach is unfocused, discursive, ham-fisted, and seemingly way too secular at times. This “bloggy” technique is a pleasure to produce, but not particularly useful. A second approach sticks very close to the material under consideration. I use this sparingly, as it is not at all pleasurable to the scribe, but tedious, and taxing, and more than a little time consuming. But the result is useful, and as Paul declares in regard to the Gospel, “I am not ashamed of it.” Pastor Russell has been treated in this dispassionate and conscientious manner. So has Pastor Humphreys. But Danielle Pilgrim has, heretofore, not been summarized in the respectful way that she deserves.
Batman Villian!
What in the world are those crazy kids up to? This image of Pastor Danielle Pilgrim comes from the Berean Christian Junior Academy Facebook Page.

My report on Pastor Pilgrim’s first Berean sermon, which is stashed right HERE, happened to be concurrent with a temporary fixation upon rhetorical form. I hate to say it, but it comes across as being mildly patronizing, since some emphasis was misplaced upon the fact that it constituted what might be regarded as a “freshman” effort. But despite her youth, Pastor Pilgrim, like Pastor Humphreys, possesses capabilities that far exceed the norm. I noted that the congregation gave her an “A+” for her inaugural address. I will protract this judgmental attitude by confirming that Pastor Danielle Pilgrim is, indeed, “above average.” An emergency synopsis of her remarks would do absolutely nothing to bolster this assessment, as my notes are too sketchy, and my meager capacity is not equal to the task. I envy the few hundred souls who had access to the video Saturday night, before it got ingloriously yanked by the copyright police. I should have been one of these, but was regrettably deflected into other activities. Again I will excuse myself on the grounds that these other activities were church related. Here is the EVIDENCE that I was not out bar-hopping this Saturday night.
Doctor/Elder Alphonso Findley’s short sermon on Revelation, Chapter 18 got back-burnered last week. The excuse I made was that the subject matter was too deep for the short amount of time available for commentary. This Wednesday’s “War Room” elder of the week was Elder Jennifer McCurdy. A newcomer, upon first spotting Elder McCurdy, might exclaim (as I did), “how did a sixteen year old girl get to be a church elder?” It is deceptive , for she is a tad older than this. She is blessed with the same genetic makeup as the late Dick Clark, and can convincingly portray a young Mary in Christmas pageants. I would seem very misogynistic were I to completely ignore the remarks that she presented on the evening of May 5, 2016. A brief summary of them will help to temporarily plug a giant gap in this post, one that is the result of some controversy concerning the YouTube video of Pastor Pilgrim’s Sabbath sermon.
Burdie Henri Jennifer McCurdy
Elder Jennifer McCurdy, behind the scenes of the 2013 Berean “Come Adore Him” production, an image by Burdie Henri, available at this encyclopaedic LINK.

The key scripture for Elder McCurdy’s sermonette was Second Corinthians 5:21:
“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”
“I have watched a lot of television.” This opening statement served to instantly bond the elder with the balance of humanity. “I won’t say what show!” The unidentified show featured a hero and a villain. The villain made a remark to the hero, the kind of pithy observation that Ernst Blofeld used to make to James Bond. It is reproduced at the head of this summary, as it serves as a nifty, if rather long-winded, title for the elder’s speech. Here it is again: “It’s hard to be a savior when the people you save don’t want to be saved.”
The act of “salvation” is not confined in Scripture to it’s most noteworthy instance. Lesser rescues abound. The elder was reminded of the story of Lot, one found in Genesis 19. Lot and a handful of his progeny were saved from destruction. “I know that Jesus wants to save us,” Elder McCurdy stated, “but I also know that the devil taunts Him while He is doing it.” References to the adventures of Lot commenced with a surprising instance of those who were “unwilling to be saved:” the pair of angels who came to warn Lot! Lot implores them in Verse 2: “please turn aside to your servant’s house.” The response to him by the angelic emissaries reveals them to be reluctant houseguests: “No,” they answered, “we will spend the night in the square.”
Not from a good place!
There are reasons (bad reasons) why some of us [even angels] would not care to be saved. Elder McCurdy provided four of these reasons, with supplementary comments, to the crowd that had gathered in the “War Room.”
  • COMPLACENCY- The speaker guided the angel through their hesitation, and into Lot’s house in Sodom. The evils of this condemned city were brought to our remembrance by a brief allusion to the unpardonable demands the men of the place made on Lot. The following citation from the NIV is not for the prudish: “Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” The messengers apprised Lot of God’s intention to obliterate the citizenry of Sodom, and extended an offer of salvation to the future husbands of Lot’s daughters. This warning was passed on to the probationary sons-in-law. It fell on deaf ears. Elder McCurdy hypothesized as to why the future sons-in-law might have been paralyzed by inertia: “Sometimes you can be so in your mess, that you consider it to be the norm!” The angels had graciously tried to save all of Lot’s extended family. But the grooms took the news of impending destruction as if it were some kind of joke. The speaker thoughtfully reminded us of the term that describes the men’s attitude. “This was a sign of complacency,” she said. “They did not want to be saved.”
  • DISOBEDIENCE- Elder McCurdy observed that “Some people just don’t believe.” Disbelief is like a gateway to disobedience. The references to Lot skipped ahead to what may be (after Adam and Eve) the most memorable instance of disobedience in the Bible. The perversity of Lot’s wife’s backward glance at Sodom displayed not just a lack of trust in her husband, but a lack of trust in God as well [I have to throw in a quote by Jesus, a great Bible scholar, which has unstated connections to this incident: “…No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)].

This dignified version of the preceding image is nearly good enough to be by Durer, excepting the bad background perspective (which I have cropped out). It came from this Catholic/Apocalyptic (?) WEBSITE.

  • YOU ARE ONLY A “FAN” OF GOD- Elder McCurdy provided a nice analogy, one that would be appropriate for use by Pastor Austin Humphreys (who is both sports-crazy, and analogy-crazy). “Fans get tickets so they can cheer their team on,” the elder said, “but they are not players!” She continued her parable by noting that players train hard for what they do. Now the elder began, to quote John 16:29, “speaking plainly and not figuratively.” (NLT) “When we are ‘fans’ of God, we don’t mind going to church, engaging in praise, paying our tithes; but when the going gets tough…” Fans are not players. But when you have a personal relationship with God, you are with Him all of the time, and not just on Game Day. You read the Word. you pray. You are on His team!”
A few parenthetical comments were provided at this point. They addressed the reluctance that many display to embrace the Christian way of life, and to instead make excuses to themselves for not placing the God in the center. They place themselves in the center. They are “self-centered,” and this inward focus conveniently excludes God from their field of vision. Many opt out of salvation by proclaiming themselves to be unworthy of it. Elder McCurdy reminded us that “None of us are worthy. But the reason Jesus died is so we could take on his righteousness!” You have to give everything to God, in order to take on His righteousness. The case of the “rich young ruler” was provided as an example of what NOT to do.

Elder McCurdy restated her theme near the midpoint of the presentation. This helped keep everyone’s mind (or my mind, at least) from wandering off somewhere else.

  •  YOU FOCUS ON YOURSELF, AND NOT ON GOD- (This statement of the final of the four points came at unexpected place, as the gloss upon actually preceded  the statement itself. This is kind of like the presentation style of the late Paul Harvey, who would cap a protracted “build-up” with a startling “pay-off.”
What are the solutions for overcoming the aforementioned barriers to salvation? Elder McCurdy left us with three important techniques for getting to the place where we all need to be.
  • BE CONTENT, INSTEAD OF COMPLACENT- My usual Wednesday night dullness of mind kept me from initially grasping the difference between “contentment” and “complacency.” But a nuanced definition would attribute virtue to the first term, and smug lethargy to the second. The elder’s next proclamation reminded me of a pair of recent Berean sermons concerning the attitude of the infirm man who lay beside the Pool of Bethesda forever, seemingly unmotivated to find a better way of life. The elder strongly advised us that we get over our “learned helplessness,” as none of us were truly helpless. God can help us. God will help us.
  • YOU HAVE TO PRACTICE YOUR FAITH- The sports analogies experienced a revival in the course of a short illumination of this point. “If you don’t exercise it [faith], it will atrophy!”
  • YOU ARE ALREADY SAVED- [a scholarly analysis of the tenses employed by the original language of the Bible is often inserted in sermons, in order to underscore the fact that many of God’s provisions for our well-being are present realities, and not distant hopes: Pastor Pilgrim’s elusive Sabbath sermon contained one of these analyses.] Elder McCurdy made it plain: “Jesus died on the Cross. It was not just for show!” She repeated the next assertion three times. “I an the righteousness of God in Christ!”
Not yet a Player, but no doubt determined to be one!
The elder laid out her case like a pro (elders are expected to be pros, I am pretty sure). The introductory “slice of life” anecdote was revisited at the conclusion. The unidentified television show, and the words spoken by the villain, to the hero, was again mentioned [the great controversy adapted to the small screen]. The sermonizer shifted the scene to Christ’s temptation, by Satan, in the wilderness [the great controversy in IMAX]. The lies of the enemy are not to be heeded. They only serve to keep us immobilized by our sin. God can transport us to a much better place. We must assume “the righteousness of Christ.” It is a an all-inclusive way of living:

“You must BELIEVE it!”
“You must THINK it!”
“You must RECIEVE it!”
“You must LIVE it!”

The elder wrapped things up. “I’m not worthy. But God is worthy.”

A last prayer included, among others, he following statements: “Help us to be players, and not fans. Help us to understand that the work is already finished.”

{Farewell for now, Pray that the SMS copyright forces are soon appeased, but a conscientious summary of Pastor Pilgrim’s sermon is now unavoidably delayed. It is the Lord’s will. Blessed be the name of the Lord!]