Monday, April 11, 2016

A Noted Evangelist, Dr. Abraham Jules, Flies from NYC to the ATL to Preach a REVIVAL

A Work In Progress: A Revival “The Arrival”

Jesus stood in the presence of the man by the Pool of Bethesda, asking him to do something that had never been done before. Something unprecedented. Something impossible. Dr, Abraham Jules informed us (in the manner of Joel Osteen) that we my have suffered deprivation in our lives. Success may have eluded us. We may have never tasted victory. But Christ stands ever ready to offer us a solution to these shortfalls in our expectations for life, and make us into winners. An appeal, the first of four, followed the concluding question of Dr. Jules’ sermon:

“Is there anyone here who wants to do something they have not done before?”

Must go!
Berean Outreach Ministries volunteer Gwen White distributes savory green onions to patrons at the Wednesday distribution.  She is very photogenic!

My dream girl is not an eccentric, so the kind of deranged musical material that I usually manage to crank out is much more likely to repel, rather than to attract her. As I have invested eight years of waiting for a miracle to happen in regard to our potential relationship, I fear that I am now on the verge of scuttling the vessel of my hopes. The timely arrival on the scene of late-bloomer Pastor Abraham Jules, combined with rapid unwinding of my biological clock (if men have one, that is, and I think that they do), has served to place me at a kind of crossroads in my life. After a half-century of life, God placed the woman I had been waiting for directly in my path. Eight years later, I am still immobilized, no longer traveling, but just standing here, looking at her, afraid to move toward her, and reluctant to move past her. I can only pray like crazy at this point that God will resolve this impasse.

The inoffensive  (vocals excepted, as always) song in question is one named “Trinity,” a name  unfortunately associated in my mind with the codename of the atomic bomb research project during WW II that was supervised by General Leslie Groves. The song, in three iterations, is placed on this PAGE. An elaborate production, complete with soothing images, may be discovered at this first YouTube LINK. A less elaborate, and very unbeloved version is available at this second YouTube LINK.

Another photogenic volunteer at the Wednesday Berean food distribution is Dean Smith. The photograph makes him look a little like a bartender, but this is not liquor that he is serving up to a thirsty public.

Here is a link to the THURSDAY NIGHT REVIVAL at Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church.
This evening’s sermon by Dr. Abraham Jules was based on the parable of the Prodigal Son, an allegory that Jesus Himself relates in the Gospel of Luke. It is perfect for any revival, and though I have heard many sermons based upon it, Dr. Jules made it his own.  I discovered that a time-consuming demand upon my small design talent will divert me from my hobbies this week. I hope to have the opportunity to eventually extract all of Dr. Jules’ talks at Berean, as I has eagerly anticipated the effort. In a terrible instance of misplaced priorities, I decided to squander a few precious hours remaking a song about the Prodigal Son that I originally created last Fall. The first version had enormous problems. The only positive thing I can say about the second version is that it has slightly fewer problems. It will be used as a temporary placeholder for more substantive material. It represents another attempt to create songs that are less eccentric than usual. They may not be more pleasing to God, but they will draw less criticism from man. They may or may not assist me in my ongoing effort to woo the “desire of my heart.”

Here is a LINK to a YouTube version featuring footage of homeless people by Michael C. Clark (Creative Commons, Attribution, No Commercial Use, etc. etc,).

A sailor who gets stranded far from home, searching for a ship that will rescue him from his predicament, is described as being “on the beach.”



         In a
8     Far country,  in a far, far country,
8     Lost   to the world I used to know,
4     Gone forever more, what my
4     Father laid in store for me, and
8     Knowing   myself   for the first time,   De-
12  pising,   everything I had become,   I’m going

8     Home,   without a penny to my name,   I’m going
8     Home,   without a cover for my shame, I’m going
8     Home. There’s no one I can blame,   but my-
8     self. I never

8     Knew   till now, just how good I had it.   I was the
8     Apple   of my father’s eye.   In the
4     Wallow   where I lay,   I re-
4     called a another day,   it was a
8     Lesson   I suppose I had to learn.   Now I
12  Knew that it was time I should return.   I’m going

8     Home,   with a fearful state of mind.   I’m going
8     Home,   and I hope he will be kind to me,   I’m
8    Going home, hoping I will find…   for-
8    giveness.

Good night!
The Ark from John Houston’s “The Bible… In the Beginning.” Impatient of waiting for the tortoise to board, Huston as Noah picks it up and carries it in!

Here is a link to the FRIDAY NIGHT REVIVAL at Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church. I pray that I will be able to transcribe the notes I took during the session. They do not represent a distillation of the essence of Dr. Abraham Jules’ remarks, as they do a lobotomized variant on the original. Unlike Charles Dickens, I have not mastered shorthand. I can review he video at my leisure, and create a considered extract. But Alas! I don’t have any leisure! My back is against the wall at present. I am really dropping the ball this week, vis a vis this poor website. May the Lord help me! I am horribly overextended at present.

The theme of Friday nights sermon was the story of the Flood. The Second Coming of Jesus will result in a similar destruction of the wicked, and the only hope that we might survive is to board the ark of salvation. Noah was not saved by his virtue, but “by grace.” As Lead Pastor Fredrick Russell noted in the course of a previous sermon, the portal to the ark that Jesus has provided for us will close, even before the heavens open, and the rain starts to descend. Dr. Jules restated this information, a kind of urgent, last minute conclusion to the evening messages of the Revival Series. Again, I hope to eventually provide a summary of this exhortation, just out of force of habit, if nothing else.

While writing about another sermon on the subject of Noah, I cited the children’s song “Arky Arky” as being a model of perfection that it would be folly to attempt to emulate. But this represent, of course, a bit of facetiousness by myself. Just as the parable of the Prodigal Son addresses the subject of God’s forgiveness, the story of the flood addresses God’s displeasure with sin, His judgment thereof, and His “grace” toward those who choose to obey Him. Dr. Jules’ urgent message included a three step method for self-preservation: (1) deal with your GRIEF (repent), (2) acknowledge God’s GRACE (accept), and (3) follow God’s GUIDANCE (be ye baptized, putting off the old man).
I ought not be using a public (though very obscure) forum as a napkin upon which to jot down half-polished notes for a song. But I have hitherto forborn to treat the topic of the Flood, as I mistakingly considered that any such effort would be forced into a mundane narrative format. But Dr. Jules boiled the story down to its essence for me. It is an exhortation for us all to “get ready” for “The Arrival (Are You Ready?)”



8     Every   imagination   of the
8     Thoughts   of the hearts    of
8     Men   is on evil, continuous-
8     ly.        The

8     Wickedness is great on the earth!   The
8     Wickedness is great on the earth!   The
 8     People God made were more trouble than they were
8     Worth!        The Lord was

8     So annoyed that everything would be destroyed, both
8     Man and beast, from the greatest to the least, from
8     High to low, everybody had to go, and in
8     All of that place, only Noah found grace.

 4             So God e-
8     stablished   a covenant   with
8     Noah    and his kin.
8     Noah made an ark outta gopher wood,
8     Made it in the way that God told him that he should:

8     Three hundred cubits from tip to tip.
8     Three hundred cubits from tip to tip, so all the
8     People and the animals could squeeze into the ship.

8     Things that creep got saved from the deep, every-
8     thing that flew came two by two, by the,
8     Word of the Lord they all walked on board, till the
8     Door got sealed, and the world got filled by forty

8     Days   of flood   upon the land.   By forty
8     Days   of flood   upon the land.   Every-
8     body    in the ship,   was
8     Safe,   and sound,   until the
8     Water dried up and it rested on solid
8     Ground.

Thats all.
Charles and Austin baptize Victor and Fabian

This will have to do for now. Many were baptized. Several more answered the last appeal of the revival series. Here is a link to the ENTIRE SERVICE.

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