The 3 R’s of Fundraising: “Restore, Rebuild, Renew"
“This is our capital campaign… let’s be excited about it!” This remark by Elder Irvin Bishop, spoken in the course of the April 16 Sabbath service, was typical of the general level of spirited enthusiasm that has marked the moderately long (a few months) history of Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church’s capital campaign. This kind of effort has been known to be not only lackluster, but ineffective in some cases. The campaign at Berean has proved itself to be anything but lackluster. An extended excerpt from the service, described below, will be of interest to any church who might care to emulate the guaranteed success of Berean’s current effort to raise some money for improvements to their infrastructure. Pastor Fredrick Russell has decried the “give till it hurts” motif that is all too common to church fundraisers. He has, as an alternative, made a stately and reasoned appeal to the “better angels of our nature.”
This is in large part due to the series of sermons preached by Pastor Russell, collectively titled “Rebuilding the Ruins.” It was based upon Nehemiah’s restoration of the broken down walls of Jerusalam, neglected by the remnant of the Hebrews who were “left behind” during the period of the Babylonian captivity. These sermons attempted to build unity among the congregation for the proposed activities, and accurately predicted that there would be a few Sanballats and Tobiahs (reactionary powers who opposed Nehemiah’s efforts, as they felt that these might dilute their own power) who would preserve a negative attitude throughout the process. Some flexibility was offered as to what level of giving each member would adopt, but the hope was expressed that all would engage in “equal sacrifice.”
The head of the “3R” capital campaign is Dr. Conrad Gill. He and Elder and Mrs. Irvin Bishop spoke prior to the interjection of a pair of musical selections by the Norfolk State University Choir (this link reveals that there several varieties of this ensemble). Pastor Fredrick and “First Lady” (a hackneyed term they don’t use at Berean, but, since I am a hack, I will use it just this once) Brenda spoke briefly about the subject du jour after the singing. Dr. Gill, the two couples, and the choir combined to form a cohesive presentation, and it would be a shame to break them up. Here, as usual, is a link to the ENTIRE SERVICE. The “essential guide to fundraising” sequence begins at time marker 1:29:18, and concludes with a prayer by time marker 2:17:25.
At time marker 54:52 Pastor James Lamb introduces Johnathan Slocumb, a “clean” comedian who enjoys national celebrity status. His mother, “Sister Slocumb,” is a very loyal churchgoer, and a very nice lady. Jonathan attended the schools that Berean operates as a youth, and founded a gospel choir at the church as well, the “Harmonizing Coeds” (an incredibly archaic sounding name). He described himself as being, in that bygone era, a “comedian Pathfinder.”Jonathan Slocumb is famous for all the right reasons. Here are links to his TWITTER tweetings and his accessible FACEBOOK interface. “Follow me on all social media, and let’s be friends again!” These were his parting words. Heed them!
The discursive commentary on Sabbath School lessons I formerly provided here is either temporarily or permanently dormant. They were a useful accessory for my daily studies, as they provoked me to dig up supplementary information, often in the form of source material from the Ellen G. White Estate, among others. I have studied the Word most of my life, and it should be studied until the end of one’s life. But we are cautioned by James (a stern taskmaster) in James 1:21-22: “…lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” This “engrafting” should not monopolize your life, as faith without works is as dead as a doornail! James throws in a significant “BUT” in verse 22: “But be ye doers…”
At this crossroads in my life I feel compelled to start applying the vocational training I have learned from the Bible to the real world. I noted a few weeks back that the admirable Pastor Tim of Atlanta Hope Center recently revealed to me a theory (one pretty much exclusively his) that without personally harvesting souls for Jesus, there is no hope for our own salvation. This may not be strictly true, as many find themselves in “back of the house” positions that primarily give spiritual and monetary support to the front line fighters. Pastor Perry Jennings recently informed me that we all have different parts to play, according to our gifts. This was a reasonable response to my passionate citation of evangelical activity as constituting the most significant thing a person can possibly do.
Despite Pastor Jennings’ call for a balanced attitude, I think I would be better off, at pesent, pretending that Pastor Tim’s draconian theology represents the Gospel truth. It would place us all in the infantry. I suspect “salvation contingent on proselytization” could well be up to 99% true. Grace will cover the other 1%. A practical fear of condemnation may be the only way I can become irretrievably motivated to attempt to win souls, one on one, face to face, mano a mano! I am weary of feeling as if I am too lukewarm. To paraphrase Barry Goldwater, “Extremism in the pursuit of evangelism is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of souls is no virtue.” To paraphrase a famous typewriter exercise, “now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their Savior.” The important process of “engrafting” must yield some of its territory to the equally important process of “works.”
Dr. and Elder Conrad Gill began his Sabbath presentation by lauding the virtues of Lead Pastor Fredrick Russell’s sermon series on the Book of Nehemiah. The author of this book accomplished what he set out to do, for the people “had a mind to work,” and Nehemiah himself made frequent communication with God a big part of his modus operandi.
Dr. Gill posed a question to the congregation, “how many people know that Berean was the first African-American Seventh-day Adventist Church in Atlanta?” (The first exclusively African-American SDA Church was established in 1883 in Edgefield Junction, Tennessee.) The founding of Berean was followed by the founding of Boulevard Seventh-day Adventist Church, and then Maranatha Seventh-day Adventist Church. But Berean is, without question, the “mother church.” This “mother” is getting on in age (the current facility was built in 1962). Berean was still ensconced in its exuberantly styled old facility (one erected, largely through the sweat-equity of the membership under the leadership of H.L. Cleveland back in 1963) when Dr. Gill moved to Atlanta back in 1965. The old church, in like manner to the current capital campaign, was not necessarily the product of “equal giving,” but it was the result of “equal sacrifice” by the Bereans of that era (many of whom are still active in the church today). When Dr. Gill walked into it for the first time, he could not recall ever having a nicer Adventist Church (I have compared it to a 1963 Buick Riviera; adventurous and respectable at the same time).
“We need to be proud to take care of what God has blessed us with!” Dr. Gill now narrated a PowerPoint presentation that included some variation on the theme of “mother.” Conestoga wagons yielded to Studebakers. Steam locomotives yielded to modern streetcars. A present that develops from the seeds of the past evoked the concept of “heritage.” The crazy bullet-nose on a ’51 Studebaker Starlight evoked the concept of “vintage.” Berean currently has two “vintage” facilities, relics of an era that did not mind putting a little extra something into their ecclesiastic structures (with the notable exception of extra insulation, as energy was cheaper than dirt in the early sixties). Berean enjoys a worldwide media presence, and in similar manner to the Atlanta Braves under the patronage of Ted Turner, has become a “mother” church by adoption to people without access to a local Adventist church home. Dr. Gill has travelled to many places in the course of his life. He informed us that “wherever I go, I am always proud to say that I am a proud member of Berean, the ‘mother church.'” He qualified this a touch by adding that, “although we are proud, we are not prideful.” The three R’s of the R3 campaign were cited:
- Restore
- Rebuild
- Renew
Dr. Gill passed the torch to Elder Irvin Bishop and his wife Pamela, Dr. Gill completed his leg of the relay with the following statement:
“Berean family, let’s do everything that we can to take care of His house, and His people!”
The “business” aspects of the current R3 capital campaign were addressed by the Bishops. Some salient points:
- The status of, and the reportage about the campaign must be accurate and visible. They promised that “radiators” would be installed at strategic locations in the church (the United Way in my hometown would prominently display one of these “radiators” during the course of their annual fundraising drive). It will be more pleasant to show an image of a radiator below, than to attempt a dry description thereof:
- Provision will be made so there is no confusion between our regular tithes and offerings an the “sacfificial giving” that we render. They will sleep in separate beds, like the Ricardos in “I Love Lucy.”
- The campaign will be all inclusive (I will crib data from the University of Florida anti-discrimination statement for the following sentence). The solicitation will not take cognizance of “race, religion, color, age, disability, sex, marital status, national origin, and veteran status” (this is another inside joke).
- There will exist multifarious channels and times for facilitating your contributions (online, in person, during Sabbath, and on lesser days of the week as well).
- There will be vehicles for non-church members to give as well (Quickly! Send somebody to Coca Cola HQ!).
“It’s not about equal giving. It’s about equal sacrifice!”
Pastor Russell mounted the podium, accompanied by his wife. He mentioned that Elder Bishop had referred to his wife Pamela as his “better half.” Pastor Russell confessed that his own wife, Brenda, was more like his “better two-thirds.” He said hey were trying to get into shape these days. She already was in shape. He was still working on it. He extolled the sanctity of his spouse, and the pertinence of the Word in guiding the joint decisions they have made, and are still making. In regard to their relationship, Pastor Russell revealed that the Word of God is their…
- Covering
- Confidence
- Conviction, and
- Commitment
Brenda Russell stated that they had, indeed, been through this process before. “We have learned that if we commit what we can see,” she revealed, “we do not increase our faith this way.” Regarding spending priorities while in the midst of a campaign, she provided a three-step approach, with the first priority being tithes and offerings. Just a step behind this lies the “commitment” that they have made (the current “commitment” being ten grand). Lastly, the regular bills were taken care of. She said that, at times, bills that were due on a Monday would be lurking about the preceding Friday, with no apparent resources available with which to discharge the obligations. But miraculously, the funds would arrive by Monday, just in the nick of time (here is a LINK to Jimmy Buffet singing his composition “Come Monday,” a “Vimeo” link for a change. One of the first, and greatest folk-rock songs ever written can be audited when you click on “Monday Monday” as performed by the original artists. They were not the most moral of human beings, but they sure could sing).
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
While I am purloining stuff from biblehub, I may as well snag six lines from Dante’s “Paradise” on faith:
“The things profound
That here vouch safe to me their apparition
From all eyes here below are so concealed
That all their being is in faith alone,
Upon the which high hope doth base itself:
And therefore faith assumes the place of substance.”
This is relevant to Dante’s love life, and to mine as well! The importance of faith in God that Pastor Russell (along with many, many other pastors of all denominations) cited from Scripture may be found in Genesis 15:6: “And he [Abraham] believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness.”
Pastor Russell eased us slowly into the decision process. What amount would reflect a “sacrificial gift” for each of us present? There was a prayer, a required preface (in the manner of Nehemiah) to any important decision. I formerly revealed that the previous lowest tier of $1,500 in six months would have been my original choice. A hundred dollars a month for a year is the new, reduced target for me and my family (meaning, me and my cat). I have already sunk $280 into the campaign in a furtive, indirect, and kind of self-serving manner. To match my original commitment, I will have to cough up another $20 for a total of $1,500. Adventist World Radio will serve nicely as the “Peter” whom I will rob, in order to pay Berean “Paul.”
I was privileged to witness Pastor Russell’s discreet signal to Luther Washington II to begin providing some music appropriate to a “leap of faith” (I promise not to link Kierkegaard again, originator of this term). The faith-building song selected was “I Will Trust in the Lord“(link is to a molasses-slow version from Mahalia Jackson’s 1961 European tour). Pastor Russell shepherded us through the balance of the decision-making process in a sensitive way, in order that our various and varied commitments would be the product of unhurried consideration, and divine direction. I will conclude my reflections with a question the pastor addressed to each and every Berean:
“What is God calling you to stretch for right now?
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