Sermon: “Transitions.”
Lead Pastor Fredrick Russell continued his series of sermons based on the Book of Nehemiah at Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church this Sabbath. He told the congregation that he hoped that the subject matter of his talks would be useful to us. Today’s information proved to be extremely useful. You have important things to do, so I will not waste any more of your time. Here, as usual, is a link to the ENTIRE SERVICE. Pastor Russell’s sermon begins at time marker 1:50:40. The presentation of honors to two distinguished women starts at around time marker 54:36. Dexterous Natalie Raggins provides some relatively unprecedented (for worship services, that is) keyboard variations as background to the collection at time marker 1:24:10.
The sermon started out with a reference to Siegfried and Roy. As we all know, Roy got just a little too comfortable around his cats. He forgot that a “tiger is always a tiger” (he cannot change his stripes). The kind of opposition that Nehemiah faced during his rebuilding effort was “tiger” opposition. In your life, the pastor observed, some opposition will just not die. As David was running from his son Absalom, Shimei (link is to my song, Sorry!) came out of nowhere and started lobbing rocks at David. All of us have a Shemei in our life. Nehemiah had 3 or 4. These enemies initially tried to “talk” down Nehemiah’s intentions. Pastor Russell urged us to ascertain as to whether criticism is redemptive or vindictive. If the tenor of the critique is not of Christ, we should reject it. The pastor told us that the animosity of Nehemiah’s detractors was “demonic.”
A secondary issue arises in verse 10: “The strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed, and there is much rubbish; so that we are not able to build the wall.” The Jerusalemites had weathered the storm that the enemy had stirred up to try to stop the work, but sometimes the worst opposition comes from within (cartoonist Walt Kelly placed some memorable lines in the mouth of his character Pogo: “We have met the enemy, and he is us”).
Pastor Russell now proceeded to impart a little pragmatic advice. He recalled a seminar that he attended at Pace University in New York, one entitled “Managing Organizational Transitions.” It featured a diagram (the very one that graces the beginning of this summary) by William Bridges & Associates. Pastor Russell explained the meaning of this diagram. “When you start an activity, you have to let go of something,” he said. When transitioning from the old to the new, there is a “neutral zone” that must be crossed. This is the place where most people give up (and just so happens to be where I am at present. It can be compared to the Horse Latitudes, a part of the globe where sailing ships used to get stuck for lack of a breeze). Pastor said that if we find ourseves in the “neutral zone,” the worst thing we can do is to give up. He would repeat this at the close of his remarks.
The people who were rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem were similarly surrounded by rubbish, and were similarly discouraged. They could not see their bright future, nor the success of their endeavor. The pastor, there in Baltimore, likewise could not foresee the amazing growth and prosperity that was in store for Miracle Temple. All he could see were piles of rubbish. He was in the “neutral zone,” where a person can become so discouraged that they simply give up. The “neutral zone” is a great place if you keep looking up. But it is a dangerous place if the only thing that you look at is the rubbish (opposition, problems, challenges). To get away from this area, you must take baby steps.
The pastor resumed his sermon after the musical interlude, asking us to consider where our lives were situated with regard to the transition chart. I stood up with the large group that was in the “neutral zone.” A prayer was offered, one that might swiftly remove us from our wretched and nonproductive situation. I, for one, was praying like crazy! My goal stands no closer to me today than it did four months ago, and I have become an expert at excusing myself for this.
As a postscript, here is a paste from the “Miracle Temple” story that mentions Pastor Russell: “1997 to 2000:
The church began a congregation wide conversation of the possibility of purchasing property to build a new church for the glory of God. Under the leadership of Pastor Russell we were able to raise enough money to accomplish this goal.” Another paste: “2003:
Pastors Russell and Royes cast vision for our church as we made plans to move into our present home at 100 S. Rock Glen Road.”
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