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Thursday, March 15, 2018
Thursday, March 8, 2018
A Learned Treatise by a Former Rocket Scientist
The Tarleton Project
Here is a link to a PDF of Joseph Tarleton’s work.
Creationist like the administrator will take exception to Joseph Tarleton’s chronology, but he has not yet embraced the Bible as a true indicator of the age of God’s handiwork. God has laid the grounds for misdirection for those who neglect to research things the angels desire to look into. Science is like one of Christ’s parables, which He explained the purposes of in Mark 4:11-12…
“And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.”
Tarleton stands in desperate need of forgiveness, as do we all. For the moment, however, he remains blinded by science. He is headed in the right direction with his attempt to reconcile Genesis 1-9 with his own informed theories regarding the formation of life on earth.
God, as Creator, neatly manages to cut the Gordian Knot that hopelessly entangles speculation about the origin of life in the universe. The byways and dead-ends that mark the author’s journey toward ultimate truth are evident in the artifact on display below. Christians know the truth, and will take Tarleton with a grain of salt.
To develop the geological formations found today, planet earth would have to first go through a period of embryonic-like stasis, and a subsequent phase of accelerated differentiation that would have been amazingly similar to that which is described in the first nine (9) verses of the Book of Genesis. A short summary follows.
As our young Sun developed the foundation of the earth was formed as planetesimals merged. But then our planet gained a deep layer of ice-covered sand (metallic silicates), or to quote Carl Sagan, “Star Stuff.” Young earth, as described by Genesis 1:2, would have looked very much like the planet Mars. The earth was “…without form, and void.” This sand and ice layer shall be designated the Silexis Matrix, or, alternately, the Silica Ice Womb. The ice within this protective layer is the main source of earth’s water as described in Genesis 1:7, “…the waters which were above.” (See Illustration)
At great depth within this ice and sand overlay, liquid water met extremely hot deep magmas, setting off an enormous moon-forming eruption. This event was followed by the formation of subterranean caverns, cavities, and/or voids that subsequently filled with matrix melts and extremely hot water. This subterranean realm shall be designated the Alphasphere, a location that is described in the Genesis 1:7, “…the waters which were under.” These conditions prevailed for billions of years (the Precambrian Era) as granite solutions percolated, and the progenitors of life developed in Alphasphere voids and micro-oceans around the world.
When our Sun finally entered main sequence, a condition referred to in my hypothetical as Solar Illuminations, the resultant thermonuclear shockwave seperated the earth and moon. Direct sunlight caused the collapse of the frozen matrix, pushing hot liquid granites up into the Alphasphere. This hot liquid rock filled the subterranean voids which served as temporary molds.
For hundreds of millions of years, our planet went through a stage of accelerated differentiation and evolution (the Cambrian Era) as heavy matrix silicates were converted into seafloor crusts. Less dense granite formations rose toward the surface, a process described in Genesis 1:9, “…Let the waters under heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear.” The rest is just history.
At the commencement of my investigations, it was not my intent to either confirm or deny the accuracy of the Biblical account of Creation. My sole objective was to satisfy my curiosity. I was led in a direction that was exclusively determined by an objective analysis of the scientific evidence. I was therefore amazed to discover that my conclusions, far from contradicting the scriptural account of the initial formation of the world that is found in the Book of Genesis, appears instead to validate it.
This unexpected correlation appears to offer strong evidence that ancient civilizations, and the observers of these civilizations who recorded their insights such as Moses, had access to extremely advanced scientific knowledge. I urge you to read my hypothetical entitled Solar Illuminations and the Alphasphere, and then decide for yourself.
Joseph B. Tarleton
Genesis 1 – King James Version (KJV)
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
Solar Illuminations refers to a point in time when our sun entered main sequence. In other words, when the lights came on. This event would be accompanied by a massive thermonuclear fusion shockwave.
The Alphasphere refers to worldwide subterranean caverns, cavities, and/or voids that existed for billions of years before our sun entered main sequence. (The Precambrian era) “The Precambrian was a strange place, with hints of what we know, but much more that is unfamiliar. The past, as L.P. Hartley said, is another country. They do things differently there.” *
*Richard Fortey, Earth
The following hypothetical/model covers a timespan from earth’s initial formation through to the Cambrian Explosion. Here, I will attempt to show the Precambrian was not merely “another country,” but was dominated by the first, but now extinct earth sphere which formed within a deep layer of sand and ice.
I hope that this model will lead to a better understanding of that mysterious time.
The following hypothetical mechanism may provide a key to unlock other illusive earth phases demonstrating fundamental changes of form, climate, and habitat during the Precambrian Era and settle some discourse related to conditions conducive to the development of granite-gneiss complexes, greenstone belts, banded iron formations (BIFs) and Precambrian life.
Research based on current literature and scientific text led to the discernment of at least two (2) previously unexplored primordial earth phases and/or Precambrian earth conditions. The first will be referred to as the Silexis Matrix or Silica Ice Womb which, acting as a protective shield or shell, facilitated the existence of the second, the Alphasphere, where the basic components of the microcontinents percolated and the progenitors of life propagated. With this model numerous enigma of historic geology, including the origin of the moon, fall neatly into place.
This is a nontechnical presentation by
Joseph B. Tarleton 2011
A deep layer of the metallic silicates,* the Silexis Matrix, provided an abundant source of sand, pressure, and temperature necessary to develop granite formations, greenstone belts, and banded iron formations on a global scale.
Professor S. Warren Carey believed in an expanding earth theory where the continental crust fit together like the pieces of a peeled orange. Carey proposed the continents split, as the earth expanded, forming the oceans. But it was then confirmed the oceans existed prior to the assemblage of any continents.
The expanding earth theory also failed to answer other geological riddles, but keep in mind that if we bring all the continental foundation back together the resulting sphere would measure about 3/5 of the earth’s current size. This is a critical clue, but the existence of almost pure granite on a massive scale, greenstone belts, and ultramafic formations led to complete resolution.
This model works only to explain conditions on primordial earth necessary to develop that which is evident in the field today. The Devil is in the details.
* Mostly sands and various metals.
Over the eons supernova events enriched the interstellar medium with perhaps a billion solar masses of heavy elements forming gigantic clouds of metallic silicate granules composed of silicon, oxygen, magnesium, and iron, along with various elements of carbon and other trace elements. As these granules cooled compounds of water, methane, and possibly molecules crucial to the development of life condensed on the surface to form ice jackets around each. Crystals, if you will, secure in icy crystalline lattices, many possessing magnetic properties, each particle a tiny spaceship destined for horizons yet to exist. These galactic emissaries were accompanied by conglomerates varying in size and composition and could be classified as asteroids, comets, or even disengaged planetesimals. Star-stuff born of multiple supernovae and other cataclysmic events; the essence of rock and worlds alike.
It was one of these colossal clouds of interstellar star-stuff that, under the influence of gravity and magnetism, contracted to form our protosun and protoplanetary disc. Within this “solar nebula” our embryonic sun had not yet achieved thermonuclear fusion, but did possess the mass to effect surrounding space, creating gravitational and magnetic eddies where the planets of our present-day solar system began to form.
Metallic silicates are better known as common sand, or quoting the late great Carl Sagan “star-stuff” as it is the product of supernova events.* It is one of the most abundant materials on earth and in space.
Our Sun, composed of star stuff, did not just suddenly blink on. For billions of years the young sun appeared as a rather large red orb in Precambrian times. Our solar system was a very cold place.
Furthermore, any direct “sunlight” would be blocked by the solar nebular cloud and protoplanetary disk.
Precambrian earth was a frozen world very much like present day Mars.
*Giant exploding stars.
The initial formation of the protoplanet earth was a very hot and sterilizing event as massive nebular matter collided to form the foundation of our planet, but would eventually settle into a relatively mild process of accretion mainly involving those tiny ice-covered silicates and carbons. For many years the young earth, with no appreciable atmosphere, would sweep up star-stuff that wandered into its orbital region only to acquire a thick, icy protective blanket pockmarked by occasional meteoric bombardment; a silica ice-womb, or the Silexis Matrix.
Deep beneath this frozen Mars-like terrain explosive pressures came into play as liquid water made contact with magmas created by gravitational compression and radioactive decay setting off enormous pressure-releasing eruptions of extremely hot silicate melts, penetrating the matrix with heavy CO2 clouds, steam, and a colossal orb of igneous rock (Anorthosite, Olivine, and Pyroxene) indicative of deep earth origins, which spun off Precambrian earth to become our present-day moon. A polar shift* and/or diamagnetic properties may have influenced the separation. Subsequent reductions of internal pressures caused many subterranean faults and fractures; the Alphasphere is born as a lopsided moon received a final eruption of high temperature earth magma prior to separation. (see Figure 1)
* A geomagnetic reversal.
Illustrations One (1) through Five (5) are idealized cross sections. Earth’s moon is slightly pear-shaped with the pointed side always facing earth. (See 1959 Lunik III photos)
The lunar far-side “Mare” Orientale, with its concentric rings, is not an impact crater or a “mare”. It is a volcanic caldera created as Precambrian eruptions formed the moon, resulting in a far-side crust about 3 times as thick as the nearside crust.
The nearside, as seen from the earth, shows cross-sections of enormous moon-forming lava feeders, magma tubes, and/or magma chambers.
Note also one-half of the moon’s circumference is nearly pristine, exhibiting far less cratering. This not only demonstrates the moon’s face was shielded by the Silexis Matrix, it also gives an indication as to how deep the matrix extended. Here I strongly encourage you to review nearside and far-side photos of earth’s moon.
Lunar magnetic research may confirm this earth-moon formation mechanism which facilitated the formation of worldwide subterranean caverns, cavities, and/or voids.*
The solar nebular theory dictates a counter-clockwise spin of the protoplanets and the protoplanetary disc, therefore, most of the final accretions would be a relatively gentle event as planet earth developed a thick layer of ice-covered silicates. (The Silexis Matrix)
The deep matrix is Professor Carey’s missing 2/5. And will become the source of earth’s seafloor crust and water.
At depth the matrix produced extreme pressures and heat resulting in an eruption of deep pre-biosphere molten material that would become earth’s moon.
After this colossal eruption cavernous voids developed and filled with hot water, clays, liquid quartz, and various matrix silica melts. The depths of these voids would vary worldwide.
Liquid water formed hot subterranean micro-oceans worldwide where any carbonic acids would precipitate calcium carbonates.
The earth/moon separation may have been caused by a number of events such as geomagnetic reversal, an impact, or a solar thermonuclear fusion shockwave.
*The Alphasphere.
The subterranean Alphasphere, existing at various depths world-wide, consisted of independent and semi-independent pockets, veins and irregular caverns and cavities. Most of these voids would be accompanied by some form of hydrothermal vents and/or fissures. Some cavities were carved into the matrix by heat, steam, and various liquids. If we could go back in time and strip away the silica ice blanket, Precambrian earth would appear to be a steamy, pocked orb blistered with a plague of boils.
It is here, in and around the Alphasphere, under extreme pressures and temperatures, liquids met mantle slags to produce granite-gneiss complex mixtures and greenstone belt elements as regular hydrothermal eruptions precipitated banded iron formations (BIF’s), forming the components of microcontinental cratons; the building blocks of present-day continental shields. It is here in hot liquid water-filled “tidal pools” of the Alphasphere, shielded from deadly cosmic rays by the Silexis Matrix that the progenitors of life (the hyperthermophiles) evolved and propagated in a dark, cyclical environment rich in quartz and various clays.
Life in these extreme environments would be long and hard. Soft, flat body designs and long tactile feelers would be some of the most environmentally functional traits. Very little energy would go to waste, explaining (in part) the scarcity of Precambrian fossilized remains. (See Figure 2)
Our young sun is still no more than a red glow in Precambrian times.
With no atmosphere to speak of, the ice and sand matrix continues to protect Alphasphere life forms from deadly cosmic radiation and meteoric bombardment.
The lower Alphasphere voids were lined or filled with hot liquid quartz, granites, greenstones, and other matrix silicate melts where various elements and compounds percolated and mixed with magma slags.
The upper voids consisted mainly of hot water pumped through hypothermal vents to facilitate hot subterranean aquatic environments world-wide (the micro-oceans).
For billions of years the Alphasphere simmered as meteorites, large and small, accumulated on the surface of our frozen Precambrian world.
The very shape of the subterranean Alphasphere voids may help us better understand granite formations and ophiolite sequence obduction processes.*
Within Alphasphere voids, BIF’s precipitated in the early Precambrian, then again for a short period of time during a phase of accelerated differentiation.
Dark Alphasphere voids, rich in various hot liquids existed for billions of years where a very primitive form of life evolved without eyes, simply because of the fact that in total darkness there was no stimulus for vision.
The deep, hot subterranean micro-oceans of the Alphasphere could or would generate massive volumes of carbon dioxides to precipitate calcium carbonates.
*An ophiolite sequence is a massive chunk of primordial seafloor that has somehow been trapped, moved, or obducted to dry land, such as the mountains of Oman and the Troodos Mountains of Cyprus.
A protective frozen matrix continued for many years with few significant geological changes until our sun achieved thermonuclear fusion which triggered a period of accelerated differentiation. With the ensuing matrix melt, intensified by thick Precambrian greenhouse gas clouds, the Silexis Matrix collapsed. The initial pressures pushed the plastic granite-gneiss mixtures and metamorphic elements further up into their corresponding cavities and Alphasphere voids. Water World is born where dense matrix materials, combined with water, migrate into the mantle, setting off a second round of banded iron formations (BIF’s) simply because the necessary elements and conditions are once again made available. Meteorites sank to merge with viscous microcontinents, or continued to the mantle and beyond. A few simply rode the sands to be found much later setting comfortably on dry land.
The moon, much closer to Precambrian earth, produced colossal tides causing severe currents which, combined with matrix sands virtually sand-blasted this evolving new world. In this turbulent world-wide transmogrification those organisms unable to adapt were either consumed or swept up in the chaos, further explaining the rarity of fossilized Precambrian fauna. (See Figure 3)
With the warmth of direct sunlight planet earth enjoys a period of accelerated differentiation triggering a phase of world-wide flooding and an unprecedented cycle of erosion which is recorded, at the “basement-rock” level, in the form of the Great Unconformity.
At this point most of the Precambrian fauna evidence is simply sandblasted away.
Meteorites that originally impacted the frozen matrix would eventually be found setting on dry land.
When the sun enters main sequence an enormous thermonuclear shockwave separates the earth and moon. Earth falls into the Goldilocks zone where the matrix melts and collapses, pushing hot liquid granites, gneisses, and greenstones up into the Alphasphere voids. The late great Eduard Suess (1831-1914) was correct in saying “It is absolutely necessary that the injection of a granite mass, possessing so high a temperature as to be capable of altering the surrounding rock, should be preceded by the formation of a corresponding cavity.” (See Das Antlitz Der Erde- The Face of the Earth, 1904-1909)
Many granite formations owe their size and shape to Alphasphere cavities which served as temporary molds. Here I encourage you to view photos of unusual granite formations such as the atypically deformed, yet natural granite formations atop Mount Kinabalu in Borneo.
With the matrix melt, massive volumes of water and metallic silicates were flushed through deep hydrothermal vents resulting in a second round of banded iron formations (BIF’s).
Surface impact craters disappear with the melt as surface debris sinks to new levels.
Over time massive volumes of dense matrix matter, mostly metallic silicates, continued to dive into the mantle fueling eruptions of moon-like magmas between the microcontinental compartments, launching the process of sea floor spreading and cratonic assemblage, creating the foundations for earth’s original continents. As the microcontinental compounds had not yet crystallized or fully solidified, a process of “plastering-on” culminated in a solid patchwork or amalgamation of the different rock types making up our present day continental shields. At the same time a massive volume of heavy elements sank to the core, further stabilizing earth’s rotation and enhancing or intensifying earth’s dynamo and magnetosphere, rerouting harmful solar and cosmic rays.
Relieved of extreme Precambrian earth living conditions, and with a new and very powerful energy source (direct sunlight), adaptive Precambrian fauna roared explosively into the Cambrian era, forming skeletal frames, teeth, protective shells, and eyes.
Simultaneously, various photosynthesizing organisms proliferated in a worldwide ocean pushing more oxygen into a continually transforming atmosphere where the first rains had already been scrubbing away harmful toxins in preparation for the next stage of world development. (See Figure 4)
A large volume of matrix silicates were absorbed and converted to upper mantle magma and seafloor crust as heavier elements fell deeper toward earth’s core.
At this point, however, our earth has not shrunk or expanded in the warmth of direct sunlight. The outer elements and compounds (mostly matrix silicates, ice, and water) have effectively shuffled around to establish a new equilibrium.
Liquid granite mass injections came to an end, as did the Alphasphere itself, during this global transformation.
Over time an abundance of silicates erupted worldwide as enormous formations of igneous rock resulted in traps, plateau basalts, and basalt dikes.
Lunar samples have proven to be very similar to earth’s ocean floor crust. The slight difference was caused by the effects of living organisms on earth’s composition and some 4 billion years of matrix silicates percolating in Alphasphere voids.
Lunar surface materials were mixed with various foreign elements and compounds from meteors, asteroids, and comets impacting the moon where differentiation has never occurred.
Solar illumination brings an end to the Precambrian era with the matrix melt. Direct sunlight ushers in the Cambrian Explosion which facilitates the formation of a protective oxygen-rich atmosphere.
The Alphasphere comes to an end with the matrix melt as living organisms migrate into what will soon become the new biosphere.
Temperatures and pressures fluctuate as cratonic compositions are jostled high and low on a planet whose surface is dominated by liquid water. Radioactive and/or magnetic clocks are set, as basement rocks are quenched or slowly cooled. Many of these settings are repeatedly reset due to metamorphic events, the results (in part) of evolving geothermal processes driven by plate tectonics.
Stress cracks, fissures, and faults occur, only to be quickly filled by elements, compounds, and/or sediments to form distinct sills and dikes of various sizes and compositions.
The continuing processes and dynamics of tectonic plate seismic activities, fueled mainly by silicates and other elements derived from the Silexis Matrix melt, methodically expanded the ocean basins, causing the dry land to rise up out of the sea.
In time, organisms whose primordial roots can be traced back to an origin in the Precambrian Alphasphere migrate to a newly forming aerobic environment. (See Figure 5)
The foregoing model is intended to display:
1. The Silexis Matrix provided a shield as Precambrian Fauna developed.
2. The frozen matrix protected the face of the moon.
3. Deep Alphasphere voids provided a high-pressure and high-temperature environment capable of melting matrix silicates in mass producing granites, gneisses, greenstones, and facilitated BIF cycles.
4. The Alphasphere voids ARE the corresponding cavities proposed by Eduard Suess that proceeded granite mass injections.
5. The matrix melt resulted in a period of unprecedented erosion, causing The Great Unconformity at the basement rock level.
6. The matrix ice is the main source of the earth’s water.
7. The matrix silicates become earth’s seafloor crust.
8. Matrix silicates fueled plateau basalts, traps, and dikes.
9. Why earth lacks multiple meteor impact craters.
10. A good explanation for why large, seemingly out-of-place meteorites cannot be linked to an associated impact crater. This anomaly now makes perfect sense.
11. Why Precambrian fossil evidence is so rare.
12. Why the Cambrian Explosion* seems to have occurred so abruptly.
These are some of the most obvious resolutions supported by readily accessible data and reference points. There are many more.
*Also known as The Cambrian Radiation.
Prime locations to research evidence of this worldwide Precambrian transition would be where hot liquid granite solutions were pushed up into Alphasphere cavities and against matrix silicates.
A good example of such a location is El Capitan, the Dome, and the Half Dome in the Yosemite National Park in California where matrix sands can be observed firmly fused to these formations. (See National Geographic of May 2011 for photographic examples.) One might also choose to examine the relatively inaccessible, and therefore undisturbed atypical granite formations atop Mount Kinabalu in Borneo.
Here again, I urge you to review photos and/or research data of these natural structures which strongly suggest, if not confirm, Alphasphere voids served as temporary molds to facilitate the creation of these weird formations.
We have retrieved rock samples from the moon, finding their composition to be very similar to that of the earth’s oceanic crust. We have sent probes, landers, and robotic rovers to find almost-perfect freeze-frame examples of primordial planet earth in transition. Mars, for example, forming outside of the Goldilocks Zone, remains in embryonic stasis, frozen in time within its own icy matrix. Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, moons of Jupiter, exhibit “worldwide” frozen oceans, and another of Jupiter’s moons, Io, exhibits some form of sorting or differentiation occurring below a frozen surface. These distant moons conveniently serve as galactic crystal balls, revealing clues to our own planet’s past as we ourselves continue to sail into the future, searching for further enlightenment.
Over the years, several concepts of geological time and measurement have been proposed. German geologist Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749-1817), for example, proposed that all rocks, including granites and basalts, were precipitated in an orderly fashion from an ancient worldwide ocean, but this Neptunian concept failed to explain what may have caused the reduction in the volume of the earth’s ocean, and where all of this water may have come from in the first place.
French naturalist and zoologist Baron Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) proposed that a total of six (6) sudden widespread catastrophes could explain earth’s physical and biological history. Further field observations, however, revealed that it would require far more than six catastrophes to adequately account for the eventful natural history of the earth.
There are many Precambrian hypotheticals, such as that of Professor S. Warren Carey (See page 2 notes). Had Carey applied an outer sand and ice matrix to his “expanding earth” he may have come much closer to discovering the key to the mystery he was attempting to unravel.
It is interesting to note that Carey’s ideas were taken seriously by British geologist Arthur Holmes (1890-1965), who pioneered the use of radiometric dating of minerals, and also uncovered the thermal and mechanical implications of mantle convection, thereby validating the concept of plate tectonics.
Scottish polymath James Hutton (1726-1797) proposed that the present-day processes of wave action, erosion by water, and sedimentary deposition has operated throughout geologic time. This concept was later designated Uniformitarianism, and is widely accepted by present-day geologists. Some prefer to use the term Actualism, however, to eliminate the implications of a static world that the term “uniform” seems to imply. The first approach, Uniformitarianism, asserts that the processes that effect changes to the physical universe have remained consistent throughout time, but there exist a variety of manifestations that are the result of these processes. The second approach, Actualism, when applied to the field of geology, states that all past geological action was like all present geological action. The two terms describe a very similar concept, but have historically excluded instances of cataclysmic changes to the landscape.
Another Scotsman, Charles Lyell, helped popularize the revolutionary work of his fellow geologist James Hutton, and introduced the concept of Uniformitarianism to the world in his influential three-volume work Principles of Geology (1800-1833). Its key argument is “the present is the key to the past.” In the twentieth-century, Lyell’s rigorous approach has been tempered by combining it with what might be considered as the opposite of Uniformitarianism- Catastrophism. Both concepts have contributed to the formation of our complex environment.
We now have a chance, through the incorporation of additional research that preserves some aspects of previous approaches, to achieve some level of geologic unification through the principles of differentiation. We may very well discover vestiges of our beginnings which will enable us to better envision far greater prospects that lie just beyond the horizon. New discoveries will continue to contribute to our forward progress.
The application of the hypothetical mechanism that is the subject of this nontechnical presentation may help us acquire a better understanding of our past, and may offer us insights that will allow us to plot a more informative course for navigations into the future.
I have tried to intentionally falsify this composition, Solar Illuminations and the Alphasphere. Hypotheses are falsifiable if it is possible to conceive of an observation or an argument which could negate them, an indicator that they may not be scientifically valid. I was gratified to discover that, when applied, this model tends to solve most, if not all Precambrian geological mysteries. It also meets the requirements of the problem-solving principle known as Occam’s Razor,* which utilizes the simplest explanation for a phenomenon, one not encumbered by too many assumptions (special pleadings; a form of fallacious argument that cannot be proven).
*William of Ockham’s Law of Parsimony is a foundational principle of Western science dictating that one should choose the simplest and most natural explanation that requires the least special pleadings.
I urge students everywhere to build upon the hypothetical that I have provided, to familiarize themselves with the concepts, and then to contribute to the process. You are invited to fill in the gaps with details, and to correct any errors that you may discover. The elimination of any flaws in the reasoning will contribute to the formation of a useful and durable foundation, one upon which others can build, and one which will hopefully serve as a spur to further discoveries. We can’t possibly know where we are going, until we know where we have been.
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The author may be contacted at the following address-
Mr. J.B. Tarleton
4480 NC Hwy 205
Oakboro, NC 28129
Or by email at-
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