Saturday, January 27, 2018

A Young Pastor Shares Jesus with the Next Generation

Pastor Danielle Pilgrim

Pastor Danielle Pilgrim, Berean SDA Church, Atlanta
Pastor Danielle Pilgrim, making an offer that is much too good to refuse- forgiveness for your sins, courtesy of Jesus Christ, and the opportunity to spend eternity with Him in heaven.
The journey of a Christian. Pastor. Friend. Mentor. Public Speaker. Community Activist. Community Developer. Story Teller. (These eight descriptive titles  have been culled from Pastor Pilgrim’s TWITTER HOMEPAGE).

The following information has been gathered from several online sources, and is therefore readily accessible to everyone on earth. Danielle Pilgrim is herself also readily accessible. Should you happen to be in the Atlanta area anytime soon, she would be more than happy to be of service.  The service that she specializes in is informing people about Jesus Christ, and of His soon return.

Atlanta is only the most recent of the many milestones that have marked her personal pilgrimage (an unavoidable pun for the majority of her aspiring biographers, including this one). Pastor Pilgrim’s life’s journey is planned in such a way as to eventually arrive, after many intervening trials and temptations, at the same destination that most famous of literary pilgrims, Christian, struggled to reach.  At the end of his fictional trek he is grateful to be admitted to heaven. At the end of this sentence is a link to an 1853 edition of Protestant dissenter John Bunyan’s 1678 allegory THE PILGRIM’S PROGRESS.

She has eight fingers, and a World Record.
During a Wednesday night sermonette delivered a few months after her arrival at Berean, one titled “Never Give Up,” Danielle revealed that she was a pretty good sprinter back in high school. Stay the course, Pilgrim!
The Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church YOUTUBE CHANNEL features many aggregate hours of highly polished discourses, homilies, presentations, and prayers by Pastor Pilgrim, going all the way back to the time of her installation on December 19, 2015. This significant milestone is visible starting at time marker 28:30 in the linked video of an EVENT-PACKED SABBATH WORSHIP SERVICE. Here, slightly less polished, but no less presentable, is a link to 89 SECONDS OF IMPROVISED ADVICE by Pastor Pilgrim offered to the youthful congregation of a Sabbath afternoon AYS service held 25 month later.

During her installation at Berean,  some prepared biographical material (“...a very powerful bio,” stated her new supervisor, Fredrick Russell) about the new pastor was read to all by Dr. James Lamb, another pastor on the Berean staff. A  transcription will be provided below the Coat of Arms of Trinidad and Tobago…

“Together We Aspire. Together We Achieve.” The very decorative Coat of Arms of Trinidad and Tobago. The three ships represent the Trinity as well as the three ships of Columbus.

Danielle Pilgrim is a native of the beautiful twin Island of Trinidad and Tobago. She came to the United States at the age of 14 where she was introduced to the Adventist Church and its message. After attending church services for over a year, she fell in love with Jesus, and decided to express her devotion to God publically through baptism. Her decision to follow Christ brought fierce opposition from a close family member, and subsequently prevented her from following through with her decision. Despite this opposition, at the age of 16, because of her deep love and commitment to Jesus she decided to follow through with her decision and was baptized during a summer evangelistic meeting.

Although Pastor Pilgrim is the only Adventist in her immediate family, she became very active in the mission of the world church. She was an active member of the Youth Preacher’s Core Movement in Brooklyn, New York. For several years she served as a Bible worker and production manager for many evangelistic meetings. In 2008 she took off a year from completing her Bachelor’s degree and served as a Bible worker for one year for the Southeastern Conference at the Waycross and Brunswick churches located in south Georgia.

Elmont Temple SDA Church 682 Elmont Rd. Elmont NY 11003. Tel: (516) 285 5050
Pastor Pilgrim was also an active member at the Elmont Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church in Long Island, New York. While there, she was appointed as the first young female Elder. While at Elmont Temple, she served as the Assistant Personal Ministries Director, Assistant AYS Leader, Sabbath School Teacher, Women’s Ministry Prayer Coordinator, and Pathfinder Instructor. While serving at her local church, she was able to complete her Bachelor’s degree at the City University of New York, of York College. She graduated in the Dean’s List with a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Health Education.

Pastor Pilgrim is also a published author. In 2013 she published her first Biblical word search puzzle book. This was a project she had been working on while completing her Master Guide program. This project was designed with the intent of creating a book that is interesting, educational, and fun for young people to learn more of God and the Bible.

Pastor Pilgrim attended the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University to enhance her knowledge for ministry. While in the seminary, she served as an Intern Pastor at the Shiloh Seventh-day Adventist Church in Chicago under the leadership of Pastor Leeroy Coleman. In addition to leading out on Sabbath services and revival, she led out in engaging the church in personal and community outreach.

Pastor: Leeroy Coleman, speaking at the Detroit City Temple SDA Church Sabbath Service on December 16, 2017.
After completing her internship at Shiloh, Pastor Pilgrim then served as one of the Associate Pastors at the Grace Place Church in South Bend, Indiana under the leadership of Dr. Hyveth Williams. At Grace Place Pastor Pilgrim served as the pastor for discipleship and outreach, and led out in a ministry called the Creative Café. Creative Café is a youth and young adult ministry intended to reach the unchurched youth and young adult demographic of the South Bend, Indiana community.

As of last week, praise the Lord, she completed her Masters of Divinity at the seminary, and she is fired up, passionate, energized, and inspired to build up the Kingdom of God. Danielle Pilgrim’s deepest desire is to be used by the Holy Spirit to bring her family and others to Christ. It is also her deepest aspiration to equip the church for the purpose of soul-winning, and to usher in the second coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

At the conclusion of these remarks, South Atlantic Conference President William Winston offered additional remarks regarding the most recent reemergence of a recurrent controversy within the ranks of the Seventh-day Adventist Church as to whether women should, or should not be allowed to preach. A provision that would have enabled local divisions and conferences to decide for themselves about this issue had just been voted down at the General Conference of the church held in San Antonio.  But the concept of women in ministry is important, so he encouraged the pastor to ignore detractors both inside and outside the walls of her new church home, and to simply “…shake the dust off your feet, and move on.”

 President Winston’s initial interview with her while she was still attending the theological seminary had impressed him with her quality both as a person and as a pastor. The Northeastern Conference had hoped to lock her in upon graduation, but she had graciously declined, awaiting the fulfillment of a promise made to her by the South Atlantic Conference through its minister plenipotentiary, Elder William (a man so smooth that butter would not melt in his mouth, and, providentially, chief of a conference that yet remains uncompromised by scandal). As was the case with the legendary first president of the “regional” South Atlantic Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Harold D. Singleton, its most recent leader William Winston is also a “good people-picker.”

Pastor Pilgrim at the “Holy Desk”

Danielle Pilgrim is a native of the beautiful twin Island of Trinidad and Tobago. She is a recent graduate of the Seventh-Day Theological Seminary of Andrews University where she earned her MDiv degree. Along with sharing the gospel through preaching, she is passionate about discipleship and evangelism.


South Atlantic
The Grace Place
Helping Hands

Danielle Pilgrim is a native of the beautiful twin Island of Trinidad and Tobago [this phrase definitely sound familiar]. She migrated to the United States at the age of 14. At an early age Danielle fell in love with Jesus and accepted him as her personal Savior.

As a teenager, Danielle was an active participant in the Youth Preachers Core Movement in Brooklyn, New York. For several years she served as a community Bible leader and production manager for many evangelistic events. In 2008, Danielle took a year off from completing her bachelor’s and served in two small churches in South Georgia: Waycross and Brunswick. During that season, she had the privilege of leading people to Christ, which only deepened her desire to serve the Lord as a career pastor. When she returned to New York, she was asked to serve in her home church as the first young female Elder.

Founded in 1966, York was the first senior college founded under the newly formed CUNY system. The college is a member-school of Thurgood Marshall College Fund. It is located in Jamaica, Queens, NY.
While serving in her local church, Danielle was able to complete her bachelor’s degree at the City University of New York, York College. She graduated on the dean’s list with a Bachelors of Science degree in Community Health Education.

Danielle is a published author, where in 2013 she published her first Biblical Word Search puzzle book. This project was designed with the intent of creating a book that is interesting, educational, and fun for young people to learn more about God and His Word. In addition she wrote a groundbreaking article in Spectrum magazine called “Church Beyond Walls.”

Pastor Pilgrim has always been convinced that God called her to pastoral ministry, and as such, she applied and was accepted into the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University to enhance her gifts and knowledge in preparation for full time ministry. While at the seminary, Danielle was very active in ministry: she served as an intern pastor at the Shiloh Seventh-day Adventist Church Chicago, serving in multiple capacities in that large congregation.

Dr. Williams holds the distinction of being the first non-Episcopalian to receive the prestigious Fellowship from the Episcopal College of Preachers, National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.  A groundbreaker, like Barry Black!
After completing her internship at the Shiloh church, Pastor Pilgrim then served as one of the associate pastors at the Grace Place Church in South Bend, Indiana, under the leadership of Dr. Hyveth Williams. At the Grace Place, Pastor Pilgrim served as the Pastor for Discipleship and Outreach. She also served as the leader for the Youth & Young Adult ministry- titled the Creative Café- , which specifically targeted unchurched youth and young adults in the South Bend community.
Danielle completed her Masters in Divinity December 2015, and was assigned as the Youth and Discipleship Pastor of the Berean Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. She made an immediate impact on the congregation and the youth of the church as a result of her passion and total engagement in both the church and broader Atlanta community.

Pastor Pilgrim started at Berean the first annual teen girls retreat, inaugurated a creative process of engaging youth in community service, begin a youth discipleship class, and facilitated high impact youth Worship services. She was also instrumental in restarting a mentoring program for young teen males. As part of her Discipleship ministry, Danielle has also put in place at Berean a new member integration process that connects [transitions would have been a better choice] new members smoothly into the life of the church.

The logo for the 2017 iteration of Pastor Pilgrim’s noble annual effort to preclude youth from perpetrating an all-too-common youthful folly. It has been recently modified. See below for a clarifying image…
The inspiration for the preceding 2016 Purity Camp logo. Proctor & Gamble may have had issues with having been associated with an unabashedly Christian endeavor. See below for a second clarifying image…
Proctor & Gamble is a very image-conscious enterprise, primarily due to the enormous flap concerning their old corporate logo. Ellen G. White excoriated the spiritually degenerate era that P&G was founded in.
During the summer of 2017, Danielle directed the churches annual Purity Camp, a camp geared to help young people make healthy sexual choices based on a Biblical and moral foundation.
Pastor Pilgrim is fired up, passionate, energized and inspired to build up of the kingdom of God. Pastor Pilgrim’s deepest desire is to be used by the Holy Spirit to bring as many people as possible to Christ.

Finally, Danielle also has an emerging passion for community engagement beyond the church walls, having already launched her a Non Profit organization call “Happy Feet” which focuses on providing foot products for homeless and underprivileged people.

A screenshot of an archived PDF of the Dec. 2017 edition of Southern Tidings, house organ of the Southern Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. SAC is now headquartered in their old building on Memorial Drive, Atlanta, GA, US of A.

This Pilgrim’s Journey: How One Pastor Breaks Down Barriers and Breaks New Ground
If you’d asked a young Danielle Pilgrim growing up on the Caribbean island of Trinidad and Tobago whether she could envision herself becoming a pastor, the answer, more than likely, would have been an emphatic “No!” followed by a hearty laugh. Life, however, has a way of taking us places that we never imagined. After moving to the United States at the age of 14, she was introduced to the Adventist faith a few years later. Today, not only is she still active in the Church, but she is an associate pastor at one of the most recognized churches in North America, Atlanta Berean in Atlanta, Georgia. Recently, she became an award-winning pastor too.

Pilgrim was recognized as the Youth Pastor of the Year at the 23rd Annual Gospel Choice Awards in Atlanta, Georgia, on September 25, 2017. This prestigious honor has been bestowed upon many other leaders of note, and Pilgrim joins a long list of luminaries in ministry. In attendance were her fellow pastoral staff members, including Fredrick Russell, senior pastor; her family; and many members of the Berean congregation.

Pastor Pilgrim warmly embraces a warm member of her present church, the second largest non-institutional SDA congregation in the entire world. The biggest is in China, and it happens to be led by a lady!
Pilgrim is a powerhouse in ministry, having already accomplished much in such a short period of time. A published author, she has written a biblical word search puzzle book, in addition to several thought pieces, like the article “Church Beyond Walls” in Spectrum Magazine, that have caused a shift in thinking for thousands. She has served in pastoral leadership in churches in Chicago, Illinois, and South Bend, Indiana. She especially enjoyed serving as the youth and young adult ministries leader in South Bend.

Prior to receiving her master of divinity degree from Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan, Pilgrim received her bachelor of science in community health education from City University in New York. This informs her passion for taking the impact of the Church beyond the four walls of the building, and making it felt where it matters most- where the people truly live. She has created several initiatives to effect the change needed in communities, and joined forces with others who are actively working to make a difference.

Famous architect (famous to other architects, at any rate) John Portman (left) and Caesar Mitchell (right) at an affair. Mitchell is a good sport, but probably not too pleased to have just lost his race for mayor of the ATL!
One example is the Atlanta Berean summer program, Purity Camp, which she is rebranding and broadening to Youth Leadership Camp. She and her team are extending the two-week program to a month-long initiative, and expanding the topics beyond sexual purity to empowerment, self-awareness, and a host of other subjects that will help the young people in the community to be well-rounded and rooted in a more solid foundation. Caesar Mitchell, Atlanta City Council president, was the 2017 Purity Camp guest speaker.

Pilgrim has also launched her own foundation, Happy Feet, which seeks to provide relief for individuals who are homeless and in need of clean/new shoes and socks. Pilgrim is also an active leader in The And Campaign, a non-denominational community organization that seeks to bridge the divide between social justice advocacy and faith-based groups.

“We have a calling to do so much more than feed the sheep that are already within the fold,” Pilgrim says. “Our commitment to spreading the Gospel means showing up in places where the Light of Jesus seldom shines. It means doing things to expose the Heart of Christ that makes us vulnerable and transparent. It means being as authentic in our service as we are in our worship. That means being real Christians, and showing real love to real people in the real world!”

With a name like Pilgrim, is it any wonder that she is a groundbreaking trailblazer in her own right? Her primary determination is simply to take Jesus where He isn’t, so that He can be fully represented and fully known for Who He is. Whether winning souls or winning awards, Pilgrim is all in for God’s Kingdom!

Frederick Bussey is the communication director at Berean Church in Atlanta, Georgia.


A Church Beyond Walls: A Call to Surrender

“Now let’s get back to the mission of our church.” This has been one of the most repeated phrases among Seventh-day Adventists following the 2015 General Conference decision regarding women’s ordination. This phrase suggests that because we have been deeply engaged in study and discussion on women’s ordination, that this has caused us to lose focus on our mission of reaching the lost.
While our theologians have been in deep study and our church members engaged in heated debate, our attentions have been misguided from pursing our mission. And although we had tabled this discussion for several years, its reappearance distracted us from our Divine mandate found in Matthew 18:19-20. Or so the theory goes.

We disregard the fact that on any given Sabbath or weekday (whether in the heat of a women’s ordination debate or not), less than half of our church bodies participate in consistent community outreach. The truth is, our decline in being mission-focused has not been a result of the discussion on women’s ordination or because of any other agenda item that has arrested our attention. The decline in fulfilling our mission is a result of us not being totally surrendered and “living with a self of indebtedness to Christ in regard to every unsaved soul” (Oswald Chambers, “My Utmost for His Highest”). The fulfilling of our mission has never been contingent on the items on our church board agenda; neither has it been stopped by laws signed by legislators. The fulfilling of our mission has been and is dependent on our complete surrender to the will of our Savior.

In Romans 12:1, Paul urged his audience to “present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” This is translated in other versions as, “spiritual service of worship.” To present ourselves as sacrifices means surrendering the right to ourselves to God. This means that we no longer hold possession of our will, but God replaces our will with His own.

We know that it is God’s will that we live mature and holy lives (Matt 5:48, Rom 12:1). But beyond His desire for us to live purely, God’s ultimate will is that all men and women be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4, Rom 10:13).

The prevailing questions as stated by Paul (and I paraphrase here) are, “How then can men call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?” (Romans 10:14). As Christians, our primary calling is to preach and proclaim the gospel of God. In “My Utmost for His Highest,” Oswald Chambers writes pertaining to Paul, that “he was recklessly abandoned, totally surrendered, and separated by God for one purpose – to proclaim the gospel of God.”

I am convinced based upon the word of God that our congregations are graying, our youth are leaving, and our engagement in mission is declining because we have not surrendered our wills, biases, perspectives, and ideologies to God. The fact remains that the call to surrender precedes the call to revival and reformation. It is only by daily surrendering our wills that our churches can be revived, our communities survive, and our mission thrive.

We are misguided when we think that attending church services is enough; when we think singing in the choir is enough; when we think that taking positions in the church to serve each other is enough; when we think passing out tracks once a month is enough. The call to surrender is the call to take our worship beyond the church walls. It is the appeal to make our hearts God’s home, our minds His mind, and our hands and feet His instruments.

Our intentions – as good as they may be – are not enough when our immediate non-believing families, co-workers and surrounding church communities are dying as a result of being disconnected from their Savior’s love. We cannot take pride in the fact that our church is different and peculiar because, as one pastor said, “If our difference isn’t making a difference then we are just being weird.” Ellen G. White, in “Desire of Ages,” states in reference to the children of Israel, “they hoarded the living manna, and it had turned to corruption. The religion which they tried to shut up to themselves became an offense. They robbed God of His glory, and defrauded the world by a counterfeit of the gospel. They refused to surrender themselves to God for the salvation of the world, and they became agents of Satan for its destruction.”

Is it possible that we are following in the footsteps of Israel? We certainly cannot discount that as a worldwide church we have exerted a lot of effort to feed the poor. We have also created many programs and processes to reach the lost. But, there comes a time when we have to ask ourselves the very daunting question, “am I doing enough?”

It is evident that God uses our programs and ministries as conduits to reach the lost but is it enough? I believe that God is waiting for all of us collectively, but even more so, he is waiting for each one of us individually to recklessly abandon ourselves to Him so that he can do for the world what he has done for us. It is when we surrender ourselves completely to him that he can use our lives and not just our programs to “bring good news to the afflicted, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for captives and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord” (Isaiah 61:1-2). This is the idea of a church beyond walls, where those that make up the body of Christ are daily surrendered to God and take a piece of heaven with them wherever they go. This is our mission: constant worship through total surrender. Our daily lives bearing testament to a wonderful Savior.

It was this type of reckless abandonment that embodied the life of the disciples and the first century church. There were distractions, yet they fulfilled their mission. There were introductions of false doctrines yet they were still persistent. They studied their bibles daily, they witnessed faithfully, and they baptized thousands consistently. They were truly a church beyond walls and their lives were the epitome of mission. God is calling women and men, boys and girls, preachers and laymen, to consistently fulfill the mission of our church. So today I invite you to join me in answering the call put forth by Chambers of daily surrender; abandoning your will for God’s will, and “living with a self of indebtedness to Christ in regard to every unsaved soul.”

Danielle Pilgrim is [was] a student at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary on the Campus of Andrews University.


Pastor Pilgrim is a native of Trinidad and Tobago. Her family relocated to the States when she was 14, where she was introduced to Adventism. She was discouraged from becoming an Adventist by a close family member, but eventually made the commitment when she was 16. She was active in missionary work at her new church, and spent a year (2008) as a Bible Worker in Waycross, Georgia. I seem to recall President Winston mentioning that she was an Elder at her church in Brooklyn while still very young, a kind of prodigy. She was also heavily involved with the Pathfinders. She received a BS in Community Health Education from the City University of New York. She is the published author of an educational puzzle book. She commenced attendance at Andrews University. While a seminarian, she interned at Shiloh Adventist Church in Chicago, and also served at the Grace Place in South Bend, Indiana. Just last week she completed her Masters of Divinity.

Seen at right- Danielle Pilgrim, Master Guide
An impassioned and anecdotal testimony which effectively synopsized the pastor’s eventful past, and her ultimate salvation was offered to the attendees of the 1/24/2018 Wednesday night prayer meeting at the church she is currently attached to. This attachment is mutual. She revealed that her arrival in cold New York at age fourteen was an unwelcome contrast to the tropical environment she had become accustomed to. As noted elsewhere, her decision to become a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church did not meet with the approval of one of her closest of kin, but her decision to devote her life to Christ is, without doubt, well-pleasing to her Creator and Redeemer. The religious environment of her early childhood was steeped in misinterpretations of Old Testament customs that are antithetical to patterns that Christ advocated, but she has fully emerged from this clouded past into a sunlit present. The glory of the Lord reflects from her bright visage to such an extent that all who encounter her are similarly brightened. Pastor Pilgrim’s mid-youth was passed in the United States most precariously, as she was not yet an bona fide American citizen. Nevertheless, she managed to advance both her works and education to their present remarkable state. She is now an official citizen. Donald Trump might not approve of this pattern, but God is not such a myopic distinguisher of persons as is our President. The Lord has big plans in store for Danielle, and for you and I as well, if only we have the faith of Jesus, and keep the commandments of God.

Tuscan Capitols.
The entry portico of Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church, Atlanta, a temporary layover for flyers en route to the hereafter…

Friday, January 12, 2018

Hugh Martin's Contribition to Western Civilization

Hugh Martin was a long-time amphetamine addict and it was withdrawal symptoms that likely caused a series of nervous breakdowns in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Eventually, he was able to beat his addiction and became a born-again Christian, converting to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Windy Day

Monday, January 8, 2018

Hey, guys! Let's put on a show!

Come Adore Him- A Laura Davis Production

Come Adore Him, a Christmas Musical Theatrical Production was presented at Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church, Atlanta, Georgia. The performance itself begins with a musical prelude that commences at time marker 46:04 in the linked video. It was sung by a white-robed choir/chorus. The source of the introductory song is the 1992 ensemble gospel album Handel’s Messiah: A Soulful Celebration. It is titled And He Shall Purify, an arrangement (or more precisely, a rearrangement) of the renown Baroque prototype by Michael O. Jackson and Mervyn Warren. Many genres are represented in this album, including  spirituals, blues, ragtime, big band, jazz fusion, R&B and hip hop. This one can be described as Stevie Wonder-style Motown, which would place it in the heterogeneous R&B family tree .
A lot of musical water can pass under the bridge in the 251 years that separate Handel’s 1741 oratorio and this gospel-influenced descendant. The latter effort represents the confluence of European and African tributary rivers.
Angels and dancers enter the rear of the theater/sanctuary to the strains of a contemporary arrangement of a hymn set to music that was originally composed for a fifteenth French Franciscan requiem mass processional, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (SDA Hymn #115). The cross is implicit in Christ’s nativity, and the morbid solemnity (at least in the perception of Western ears) of hymns composed in predominately minor keys is counterintuitively apt for the advent season. This usage is so evocative of Eastern and near-Eastern cultures that its standard yuletide job is to assist in conjuring up images of exotic peoples and places (We Three Kings being a prime example of this). The procession reaches the front of the venue, where the young dancers mount the stage to exhibit both their skills and their bright smiles.

For modesty’s sake, a high-resolution image of these dancers will not be exhibited. To quote Job 31:1- I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid? The author shares Arthur Schopenhauer’s prudish and puritanical attitude toward ballet, which is a byproduct of the philosopher’s  insightful hierarchical categorization of art forms based on the means whereby they make their appeal to the art-lover (after Plato, and after Ellen G. White as well). An excerpt from Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and Representation will follow a low-resolution screenshot of beautiful young dancers, dancing beautifully, one lifted from the YouTube video of the performance.

Opposites throw light upon each other, and therefore the remark may be in place here, that the proper opposite of the sublime is something which would not at the first glance be recognized, as such: the charming or attractive. By this, however, I understand, that which excites the will by presenting to it directly its fulfilment, its satisfaction. We saw that the feeling of the sublime arises from the fact, that something entirely unfavorable to the will, becomes the object of pure contemplation, so that such contemplation can only be maintained by persistently turning away from the will, and transcending its interests; this constitutes the sublimity of the character. The charming or attractive, on the contrary, draws the beholder away from the pure contemplation which is demanded by all apprehension of the beautiful, because it necessarily excites this will, by objects which directly appeal to it, and thus he no longer remains pure subject of knowing, but becomes the needy and dependent subject of will.

Creative types, playwrights for example, typically exercise their judgment intuitively. Whether this may represent a considered decision or not, the ominous E minor strain of SDA Hymn 115 provides an apt introduction for the Prince of Darkness’s initial, albeit slightly delayed (due to some technical issue, no doubt) appearance in the drama. It is now time to start providing a few links to some relatively high-resolution images (courtesy of offsite host DeviantArt) to make their own slightly delayed appearance. Shot from a single vantage with an iPhone, they could better be described as archival, rather than as artistic. The inherent limitations of digital zoom are evident in many of these. Click on the links below the posted pics to view and/or download 1600 x 1600 pixel source images, should one be so inclined.

Six minutes of ominous silence (presumably unintentional) preceded the first speaking part of the drama. Were this lull to be narrated, part of the narration might consist of some concluding words from the fourth chapter of Ellen G. White’s The Desire of Ages

The story of Bethlehem is an exhaustless theme. In it is hidden “the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God.” Rom. 11:33. We marvel at the Saviour’s sacrifice in exchanging the throne of heaven for the manger, and the companionship of adoring angels for the beasts of the stall. Human pride and self-sufficiency stand rebuked in His presence. Yet this was but the beginning of His wonderful condescension. It would have been an almost infinite humiliation for the Son of God to take man’s nature, even when Adam stood in his innocence in Eden. But Jesus accepted humanity when the race had been weakened by four thousand years of sin. Like every child of Adam He accepted the results of the working of the great law of heredity. What these results were is shown in the history of His earthly ancestors. He came with such a heredity to share our sorrows and temptations, and to give us the example of a sinless life. Satan in heaven had hated Christ for His position in the courts of God. He hated Him the more when he himself was dethroned. He hated Him who pledged Himself to redeem a race of sinners. Yet into the world where Satan claimed dominion God permitted His Son to come, a helpless babe, subject to the weakness of humanity. He permitted Him to meet life’s peril in common with every human soul, to fight the battle as every child of humanity must fight it, at the risk of failure and eternal loss.

“For those of you who don’t know who I am, allow me to introduce myself… I am the great! I am the all powerful! I am LUCIFER!”

Were Come Adore Him a rock opera, SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL would have been an appropriate song to license for this introductory scene.

Satan, in mascara, is played by DARRELL PALMES (husband, father, preacher, singer/songwriter, motivational speaker and entrepreneur; the first of an assortment of multitasking thespians in the Come Adore Him cast). The pastor/performer often sermonizes the Wednesday night prayer warriors of Berean SDA Church. The bottom half of this internal  LINK summarizes one such sermon.

“After Satan convinced Adam and Eve to sin and disobey God, it looked like mankind was lost to Satan forever. But God has a marvelous plan to save man…”

Narration is provided by LAURA BAYNARD, whose close associates all describe her as an angel (and not one of the fallen type).

“OK guys, listen up. Here’s the plan…”

Satan explains to two of his henchmen his plan to deceive the peoples of yesterday and today into believing that God’s laws are an insupportable burden, and therefore not worth the effort it takes to conform to them. The slinking, slithering, sycophantic bad angels are played by Markell and Eddy Dorsainvil, both Haitian by ancestry, but raised in Brooklyn through the grace of God.

The henchmen cavort and caper about their leader Satan as he sings the first of three original songs written by Terra Trofort (scroll down a bit in the linked website for her bio). It is based on Isaiah 14:14, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High,” and is titled Like the Most High. In a very short GLOSS of the 2015 production of the play, the insensitive and obtrusive administrator noted the similarities between this song and ANOTHER SONG, a yuletide favorite. Here is a LINK to a YouTube video of the slightly less polished 2015 performance of Come Adore Him at Berean.

“I will be… like the Most High.
I will rule beyond the sky.
And for all eternity, mankind will worship me,
And the world will be all mine!”

Lifted from Page 22 of Ellen G. White’s The Desire of Ages“From the beginning, God and Christ knew of the apostasy of Satan, and of the fall of man through the deceptive power of the apostate. God did not ordain that sin should exist, but He foresaw its existence, and made provision to meet the terrible emergency. So great was His love for the world, that He covenanted to give His only-begotten Son, ‘that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’”

Three Hebrew priests (JOSEPH CHIN KING, MARK LEE, and CEDRIC HINDS) have befuddled a group of Jerusalemites in an attempt to explain the nuances of highly augmented first-century Sabbathkeeping regulations. Their confusing remarks are followed by a second song written by Terra Trofort, Follow the Rules. The retro ambience of the composition (much more Tin Pan Alley than Gospel in style) places it in the same genepool as THIS SONG from Jesus Christ Superstar.

Ellen G. White offers commentary on the degenerate nature of Hebrew ceremonial law at the time of the Messiah’s first advent on Page 29 of The Desire of Ages“With all their [the priests and rabbis] minute and burdensome injunctions, it was an impossibility to keep the law. Those who desired to serve God, and who tried to observe the rabbinical precepts, toiled under a heavy burden. They could find no rest from the accusings of a troubled conscience. Thus Satan worked to discourage the people, to lower their conception of the character of God, and to bring the faith of Israel into contempt. He hoped to establish the claim put forth when he rebelled in heaven,- that the requirements of God were unjust, and could not be obeyed. Even Israel, he declared, did not keep the law.”

A narration featuring the voice of pre-incarnate Christ in heaven precedes the annunciation by Gabriel (DAY RAMPHAL– link is to a former venture of his, one featuring a positive appraisal of his charactyer) to young Mary (JENNIFER McCURDY). The momentous tidings are followed by a composition written by CHELUANA CHE- (CHIN?) KING , He’s Chosen ME, an evocative minor key song which resolves itself in a triumphant major finale. Here is a LINK to a similarly evocative minor-key composition which never quite manages to cheer itself up (indicative of the grief the peoples who are the subject of the musical it forms a part of endured as European Jews).

“When your baby is born I want you to name Him Jesus, because He will save people from their sins…”

The visitation by Mary to her cousin Elizabeth is briefly portrayed, but (regrettably) not documented by the easily distracted photographer. Decent pictures should be available soon courtesy of THIS WEBSITE. Joseph discovers that his young fiancé is with child, and one not of is making. His intention to forsake impregnated Mary is forestalled by  another angel (played by KIESHA KIEZER). Joseph (acted by intern pastor and wunderkind MARCUS LARIVAUX) learns of the unique circumstance that resulted in his intended’s pregnancy, and is informed that his ostensible offspring represents the fulfillment of an old prophecy contained in Isaiah 7:14-

Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

“For hundreds of years the Scriptures had said that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, King David’s city, so if the people of God has been really searching the Scriptures they would have been looking for the Lord to be born in Bethlehem.”

Mary, along with Joseph, a donkey, and an experienced donkey attendant now emerged from the rear of the sanctuary/theater. They reach the business end of the theater/sanctuary, where two sets represent portions of Joseph’s ancestral village; an inn at right and a rudimentary stable at left. A helpful citizen directs them to the inn, a presentable stucco edifice. The stable, by contract, is obviously bereft of the Jacuzzi and complementary bottle of shampoos that Joseph humorously seems to anticipate.

“Anything… we’ll take it!”

Joseph is informed by the officious innkeeper (played by Louis Merritt) that the population of Bethlehem, due to the influx of David’s many kin to participate in a mercenary Roman census, has swelled far beyond the feeble capacity of its guest quarters. There is absolutely no room at the inn… “Nada! Zilch!” He is kindly directed, however, to the inn’s distant stable- “At least you will have a roof over your head.” “Any port in a storm,” sailors are known to declare.

Above, Mary, in travail . This travail unexpectedly sustains the comic relief inaugurated by Joseph’s screwball exchange with the innkeeper.  Mel Brooks once famously proclaimed- “Tragedy is when I have a hangnail. Comedy is when you accidentally walk into an open sewer and die.” John 16:21, not scripted, is more appropriate Brook’s less charitable observation in this place- “A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world.”

Mary and Joseph arrive at the stable. The angel Gabriel again appears, this time before a group of nearby shepherds. The heavenly host that annouces Christ’s birth to them is merely implied through the use of dynamic lighting.

A small, white-robed delegation representing the heavenly host is portrayed by twin sisters Shenee Johnson (Cara) and Shenika Johnson (Mia)- collectively known to the world as CARA MIA). The angelic duo sings CeCe William’s Jesus, You’re Beautiful slightly offstage, an fitting serenade, while a trio of adolescent dancers simultaneously celebrates the arrival of the Messiah onstage.  The lyrics of CeCe’s song proclaims Jesus to be as bright as the morning star. Here is an incendiary LINK about equivocal Scriptural instances of the term “morning star.” The CeCe song is very pleasing to the ear, and if you are curious as to why this may be you should spare a moment or three to examine THIS BLOG.

“Let’s go into Bethlehem and find the baby that the angel has told us about!”

The grainy image above depicts the lowly shepherds in the act of discovering the lofty Messiah in an extremely lowly place. They excitedly depart the scene so they may spread the good news among the townspeople. Mary now sings the third of songwriter Terra Trofort’s original contributions to the drama, Mary’s Lullaby- My Baby, a brief first-person narrative which contrasts Christ’s divine nature to His present, highly circumscribed existence as Mary’s innocent and beloved firstborn-
“…but for now, you’ll be my baby.

FYI- Here is a LINK to another Marian lullaby by the Chelauna (“Che”) Che- (Chin?) King, who contributed a previous song (He’s Chosen Me) to the drama. The quintessential lullaby for all of eternity is, of course, THIS ONE  by Brahms.

“Now when baby Jesus was about six weeks old, Mary and Joseph took Him to Jerusalem to have Him dedicated to the Lord…”

The couple portrayed in the image above are having their own baby dedicated just prior to that of the infant Messiah . They are well-heeled, so the trio of avaricious Temple priests at right  are giving them the royal treatment.  A rich offering on behalf of their progeny yields a magnificent blessing.

The priestly trio are informed that Mary and Joseph intend to bestow a relatively beggarly offering on behalf of their offspring, the stipulated minimum of two turtledoves, but with a few coppers thrown in for good measure. As the young couple sows, so shall they reap. The sanctimonious priests of Israel are themselves in the process of sowing the wind. Roman Judea will reap the whirlwind in 70 Ad, a few scant decades after Jesus temporarily departs the earth to rejoin His Father.

“…those who truly love God can see greatness in the inside. There was such a man in the Temple that day, and his name was Simeon.”

Simeon (played by sagacious Ron Alexander) has been hanging on to life, and hanging around the Temple awaiting the fulfillment of a promise made to him by God that he would personally encounter the Messiah prior to his demise. He verifies , to Mary, her Son’s exalted mission, and delivers a warning that is a colloquial version of the memorable words contained in Luke 2:35- (Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.

Prophetess Anna (energetically portrayed by seasoned actress Joann “JC” Brown), a devout 84-year-old widow, now confronts young Christ and His parents. Continuing to quote the King James, her reaction is recorded in Luke 2:38- At that very moment she came up and began giving thanks to God, and continued to speak of Him to all those who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.

Anna excitedly departs the Temple, praising and magnifying God most vociferously. The priests remain, characteristically befuddled, wondering why people would care to make such a fuss over such a diminutive, two-turtledove nonentity like baby Jesus.

Tenor LUCAN JAMES JR. provides a musical interlude by performing a grammatically corrected version of the original 1934 lyrics originally supplied for the pseudo-spiritual yuletide song Sweet Little Jesus Boy. The Caucasian composer of this number, Robert MacGimsey, was raised amidst a host of incompletely liberated former slaves, and capitalized upon this childhood experience much in the same way as did his much more successful Southern compatriot and contemporary Johnny Mercer.

Wise men have observed a wandering star from their Eastern homeland (signified by the balcony of the sanctuary/theater), and, cognizant of its prophetic import, have followed it to the Roman province of Judea (signified by the baptistery end of the venue) as the seemingly only extant wise-man song ever created provides background music. We Three Kings was written in 1857 by an American Episcopal specifically for a Christmas pageant, and 160 years later it is still working hard at its first job.

The arrival of the Magi is attended by the circuit of a very small caravan of camels (or, more accurately, a dromedaries). The creature depicted above cooperates, and follows the script, but the cooperation of camels (and dromedaries), like that of humans who choose to honor or not to honor God, can only be elicited, and not compelled. Overburdened camels (and dromedaries) will stubbornly lie down, refusing to budge, but God has promised His volunteer army of faithful soldiers that he will not load them up with more temptation than they can bear.

The Magi arrive where the wandering star temporarily comes to roost, Roman-occupied Jerusalem.  One of the wisemen unsuccessfully enquires about the location of the prophesized newborn King of the Jews. The representative trio of Temple priests, seen at right in the image above, as noted, contemptuously dismiss the excitement generated among the inhabitants by prophetess Anna’s testimony announcing the Messiah’s arrival.  The peoples’ anticipation level becomes elevated via the persistent questions of the resplendent  entourage from the East. Word reaches the reigning (albeit one subservient to Rome) King of Judea, Herod the Great.

Herod (acted by Jamaican-born Delmas Campbell), client king of Judea, reigns only on sufferance of  his Roman overlords. He greatly fears the potential existence of a rival for his relatively insecure position. He summons his attendant Roman guard, and instructs them to fetch priests who might enlighten him regarding any obscure Scriptural prophecies relating to any purported pretender to his throne.

“Those sneaky, good-for-nothing Jews think they can knock me off my throne and put their king on it? Well I’ve  got news for them! He ain’t getting this crown! All I need to know is where He is!”

Satan hovers about Herod, engaged in his usual pursuit- fomenting evil in the hearts of those who choose to reject God’s gracious offer of a more wholesome alternative way of living. Herod is of Edomite ancestry, a son of Esau, but has been raised as a Jew. The ostensible anti-Semitism contained in his vituperative remarks may be a result his rejection as a legitimate ruler by the discriminating sons of Esau’s more highly-favored brother Jacob. Herod proposes to act as wisely as a serpent in eliminating his potential rival, one who will ultimately be revealed as being harmless as a dove (at least until His soon-pending second advent occurs, that is. Get ready for it!).

“Now listen… I’ve brought you here because I have been hearing lots of talk about the birth of the Messiah. I have even been told that we have some guests in the city that have knowledge about His birth.”

The priests overcome their ignorance by actually consulting the Scriptures, and they come up with what their successors will choose to designate Micah 5:2-  But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

The Roman Guard is again summoned to serve as Herod’s messengers.

The Roman guard (Ricky Davis, Bradley Scott, Colby Taylor, Terrell Bond, and Jeffrey Holmes II) depart to fetch the Magi.

“Being scholars of the stars, we witnessed the most exciting event in earth’s history.”

Herod, attended by his muse Satan, feigns to be even more exited than are the Eastern astronomers about the advent of a divine king within his realm. He asks them to keep him apprised of the progress of their search, and to inform him the instant they discover the object of their quest so that he, too, may render worship and adoration to the Holy One. The Temple priests do not share in Herod’s paranoid sense of curiosity, convinced as they are that they are already sufficiently omniscient beings. With the exception of their unwonted and unwanted subservience to Rome, their part of the world has already achieved perfection. They have absolutely no use for a Redeemer. They inform the populace that tidings of the Messiah’s arrival are but cunningly devised fables. Below is a quoted line from the tail end of T.S. Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral which mirrors the attitude of the Temple priests, the words of a Knight who seeks to placate a justifiably agitated group of bystanders-

“Thank you, Brito. I think that there is no more to be said; and I suggest that you now disperse quietly to your homes. Please be careful not to loiter in groups at street corners, and do nothing that might provoke any public outbreak.”

“…but the bright star continued to led them to the little town of Bethlehem.”

Enthusiasm for the Messiah’s advent is not in evidence as the wise Easterners enter the sleepy backwater of Bethlehem. Though regrettable, this state of affairs is not inconceivable. Christ’s own disciples will remain largely ignorant of His greater purposes until after His ascent to heaven and the Holy Spirit arrives to offer further enlightenment. The child is found and esteemed, accompanied by an a cappella (“in the manner of the chapel”) rendition of O Come, All Ye Faithful, courtesy, again,  of Shenee (Cara) and Shanika (Mia).

The image above is almost identical to A PREVIOUS ONE, but the angel’s message to sleeping Joseph is a new one- “Take Mary and your baby, along with all of the gifts, and leave for Egypt at once!” Joseph and his closest kin immediately depart Bethlehem as two white-robbed ladies (not Cara and Mia) sing When You Believe. This song was created for DreamWorks’ The Prince of Egypt in connection with another Biblical journey, but one that was headed away from, and not toward the splintered reed of Egypt. The wisemen are similarly advised to steer well clear of a mortally vindictive King Herod on their return journey.

Credited female singers for the production include SHARNA ETTINOFFE, ALTHEA (MORRIS-) ROBERTS, previously linked Cheluana Che-(Chin?) King, and apparently unlinkable Janisa McMeans.

The Journey.

Ellen G. White comments on the endangered family’s flight to Egypt in the pages of the book that inspired most of the script for Come Adore Him. The Spirit of Prophecy reveals that their temporary residence in Egypt was financed by the gold given to them by the Magi. Sister White writes on Page 65 of The Desire of Ages

Satan was bent on shutting out divine light from world, and he used his utmost cunning to destroy Saviour. But He who never slumbers nor sleeps was watching over His beloved Son. He who had rained manna from heaven for Israel and had fed Elijah in time famine provided in a heathen land a refuge for Mary and child Jesus. And through from a heathen country, Lord supplied means for journey into Egypt and sojourn in a land strangers.

“I should have heard something by now!”

Herod is becoming increasingly enraged by the prolonged absence of his recent visitors from the East. The wisdom of the emissaries might have conceivably seen through the hypocritically benign façade that he endeavored to present before them during their recent interview. Under the influence of the malignant being seen at right in the image above, Herod decides that it would be better for thousands of innocents to die, rather than for the babe he so fears to go on living. He now summons his Roman Guard, but rather than to simply serve again as his messengers, they are now instructed to act as his execution squad.

“Now, I want you to go to Bethlehem and find every single child under the age of two AND KILL THEM!”

From Ellen G. White’s The Desire of Ages, Page 65- “Soldiers were at once sent to Bethlehem, with orders to put to death all the children of two years and under. The quiet homes of the city of David witnessed those scenes of horror that, six hundred years before, had been opened to the prophet. ‘In Ramah was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.'” 

Narrator- “…this is how our Savior was welcomed to the earth. There seemed to be no place of rest or safety for the baby King; no parades, no celebrations, no singing or rejoicing to welcome Him. The heavenly angels could not believe what they were seeing as they watched the arrival of their awesome King to the earth as a baby. And even though the Scriptures told the people thousands of years before that this would happen, and even though God gave them wondrous signs when it happened, still very few people paid any attention, and very few people seemed to even care.”

The horror of the preceding mass infanticide, one instigated by Satan, and administered by Herod through his proxies, followed by the Narrator’s description of the world’s unenthusiastic reception of their only possible hope of redemption generates a somber vibe in the sanctuary/theater. Terra Trofort begins to sing O Come, All Ye Faithful  in a manner that suits the temporarily glum ambience. This bittersweet mood yields quickly enough, however, to one of triumph as the singer’s energy level rises, and as she is joined by other singers (the white-robed heavenly host which has served as the Christian equivalent of a Greek chorus throughout the performance). A faithful adherence to the original cadence of the centuries-old prototype transitions into a much more contemporary style, one embellished with improvisations. The singer is former leader of the Berean SDA Church praise team, BACK IN THE DAY, in which capacity she was assisted by Shenee Holloway and her husband DAVID.

“So there’s nothing really brand new about what you just saw here. This is, literally, the recounting of the first coming of Jesus Christ. But the same conditions, and the same distractions, and the same enemy’s deceiving ways that he tried to block Jesus [with] the first time is the exact thing he’s doing right now…”

Berean Church Lead Pastor Fredrick Russell appears in order to emphasize the relevance of events that transpired in Bethlehem two millennia ago to our own rapidly degenerating epoch. The distractions of first-century Judea that rendered its inhabitants oblivious to the Savior’s first advent were as nothing compared to the cacophonous static that mars the soundtracks of our contemporary lives. People seemed as if they could care less about Christ when He first appeared, but the societal levels of ennui and apathy have undergone an exponential increase since that day.

We are now living in the Information (and Misinformation) Age. An end time increase in knowledge is prophesized in Daniel 12:4. This has a direct bearing on Christ’s second advent. Scripture similarly prophesized Christ’s first advent. Nobody was listening then, and nobody seems to be listening now, despite the grievous penalty that will befall those who refuse to listen. They shall all potentially forever perish, but Pastor Russell  provides Scriptural proof that oblivion need not be our ultimate destiny, a verse that everyone (even atheists) should be familiar with-

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Pastor Russell now issues an appeal to hitherto lost sinners, and the chorus takes his place on the platform to perform a Norman Hutchins seasonal composition, Emmanuel (the link reveals a relationship between Hutchins’s effort and this AL GREEN CLASSIC).  The multitudinous cast appears sequentially, in categorized phalanxes (Evil Angels, Priests, Israelites, Wisemen, Shepherds, Guards, featured players, etc.), for the curtain call (sans, of necessity, a literal curtain).

Hitherto occluded narrator Laura Baynard emerges from the penumbral gloom to mount the platform to graciously accept well-deserved accolades, the penultimate member of the populous ensemble to do so.

Writer and Executive Producer Dr. Laura Davis takes the final bow.

The venue is slowly evacuated, but the last person to leave cast a backward glance, then pauses to immortalize the scene and scenery.

The morning after in the lobby/narthex- a donkey has grown attached to the place, and apparently refuses to go home…